Google has updated the AdSense payment page with a new design, improved navigation and more flexibility with the payment settings. As Google said, “We’ll soon be introducing some changes to the “Payments” and “Account settings” pages in your AdSense account. At the moment, this new payments interface is available to a small set of AdSense accounts, but we’ll gradually roll it out to more publishers in the upcoming months.”

AdSense payment page

Google aims to make the payment process easier and more flexible with the following changes made to the interface:

Payment summary and Payment settings pages restyled

  • ‘Form of payment’- the new name of the payment method
  • ‘Current Balance’- the new name for unpaid finalized earnings
  • A new look transaction history table
  • New toolbar support to aid in filtering, printing, exporting, or downloading transaction information

Payment Settings made more Flexible

  • Change the payment details until the 20th of any month with the new extended timeline
  • Choose any payment threshold greater than the default payment threshold based on your reporting currency.
  • Ability to withhold payments till a stated date

The payments interface gets better navigation

  • You will find centralized locations to manage your Payment settings and Payee profile
  • Contextual help is displayed as per the pages you navigate to

What do you think of these changes? Are you being able to see them yet?


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.