Google is about to launch a limited public beta of “AdWords for Video”, a step that is likely to help it unify its advertising interfaces.
The “AdWords for Video” comprises four “TrueView” video ad formats, with an advertiser being liable to pay when a visitor starts or views his video. The launch of this service combines video advertising, which was previously specific to, with the AdWords interface.
The ad formats to be used in “AdWords for Video” will include TrueView in-display, TrueView in-stream, TrueView in-slate and TrueView in-search.
- TrueView in-display (which resembles the Click-to-Play format) ads are present in the Google Display network.
- TrueView in-stream are the ones appearing on short or long-form YouTube videos as a pre or mid roll.
- TrueView in-slate are the ones appearing in a “slate” of various videos, preceding the appearance of a long-form video on YouTube.
- TrueView in-search ads (previously dubbed as Promoted Videos) appear when a visitor makes a search on YouTube or Google video.
Google has also taken steps to ensure that these video ad types can be managed and reports can be collected on them from within the Google AdWords interface. Though it is still necessary for an advertiser to upload video assets at YouTube, he can now connect his AdWords account to a number of YouTube accounts.
So now it is possible for an advertiser to use AdWords to target, place and bid on inventory, and gather reports on indicators like video views, view rate (i.e. for how many times people click a displayed impression to play), thumbnail views, an average cost-per-view, the total cost, and the number of click-throughs experienced by the advertiser’s Web site.
How are the video views measured? Well, that is measured after a user clicks on a video ad to make it play.
It can also counted in the context of an ad that a user has not specifically clicked on (for example in-slate or in-stream ad). In that case the view is measured either 30 seconds in or by the end of the ad, with the final parameter being the one that comes first.
The targeting tools are keywords, interest categories, demographics, specific publisher placements and topics.
Google is in the lookout for advertisers for the limited public beta. While it is making the search across all sorts of advertisers, it has not been clear about any specific criteria. In case an advertiser wants to be considered, he may sign on the AdWords for Video landing page.