Building a brand awareness is not an easy task. Investing in a local listing service is one such not-so-secret weapon that business owners use to increase their brand visibility!

Google My Business is one of the most impactful online listings that a business can have because it increases the chances of showing up in local search results.

To help searchers grab potential results and to help businesses generate more leads, Google has added “Request a Quote” button to eligible business listings in search results.

Joy Hawkins, Google My Business Product Expert, recently added a tweet regarding the new feature update and quoted that adding the “Request a Quote” button is “HUGE”.

Getting A Quote Made Easy

The button also appears in mobile search results when the business name is searched for.

With this new feature, searchers can now request quotes from businesses without ever visiting the business’s website. It can all be done within Google’s services. This update is not great for traffic, but when it comes to generating leads, it can do wonders for a business!

However, it is limited to certain business listings.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.