Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 08th March 2019!

Content Marketing

Want to Prove Content Marketing ROI? You Need an Actionable Marketing Dashboard

There is nothing to deny that one of the biggest advantages of content marketing is its potential return on investment. Dive into this article by Tiffani Allen and get familiar with the need of an actionable marketing dashboard for better visibility of your business and to prove your content marketing ROI.

What’s the Difference Between Content Marketing, Branded Content, and Native Advertising?

These days, differentiating between content marketing, native advertising and branded content is becoming harder. Robert Rose, in his recent blog post, discussed and clarified the differences to help you draft an effective content marketing platform, a branded content initiative, and a native advertising campaign for your business.


What Will the New Rules of Google SEO be in 2020?

Without a doubt, the future of SEO is always on the minds of marketers. If you are also concerned about the algorithm updates, search index changes, and refreshes, and wish to absolutely crush the SEO game in 2020, read this insightful article by Jacob Maslow and gear up with the new rules of Google SEO.

9 Steps to Optimize Images for SEO

Since we live in an increasingly visual world, giving your brand the best opportunity to succeed SEO is important to get your content noticed. Have a look at this insightful blog post by Isaac Justesen and get familiar with the 9 tips and tricks to master the art of image optimization.

Build an intent-based SEO strategy for your e-commerce brand

Trying to drive traffic to an e-commerce page is a daunting task. In this informative blog, Adam Enfroy shared a step-by-step guide for building an intent-based SEO strategy which will also help to drive sales, and not just traffic. Have a look for better understanding.

Social Media Marketing

6 Outdated Social Media Strategies That Repel Gen Z

If you are unable to see any measurable gains or attributable success, maybe it is the time to review your social media tactics. Read this insightful article by Jolina Landicho and get familiar with the 6 outdated social media strategies you need to avoid in order to reap the expected rewards.

7 Things That You Cannot Miss Knowing About Marketing On Instagram

Instagram is one of the top channels that are filled with potential and marketing opportunities for brands. If you are yet to jump onto Instagram, here are 7 powerful marketing tips, shared by Michael J Schiemer, that you can use to achieve the desired results.

Email Marketing

Tried and true: email marketing is still king of the hill

If done right, email can be a tool to increase sales, build better relationships with your audience and do most of the heavy lifting for your company’s marketing. Have a look at this informative article by Bryan Link and read why email marketing is said to be the king of the hill.

Dos and Don’ts to Improve Your Email Marketing Newsletters

Are you afraid that your email marketing newsletters will end up in the spam folder? Get familiar with 13 Do’s and Don’ts, shared by Charlotte Rowe, which will provide a great way to communicate with customers by helping you to set up successful newsletter campaigns.

Link Building

7 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Auditing Your Link Profile

Since auditing your link profile will help you analyze how good your current links are for your site, it will surely reveal if there are any risky links. Gear up with these 7 red flags, listed by Kameron Jenkins, to watch out while link auditing.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.