Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 28th February 2020!

Content Marketing

The Top Challenges Facing Creative Teams That Develop Content

A study conducted by inMotionNow has revealed that most members of content teams have said that they are struggling to complete their work on time. 72% of the respondents stated that the volume of work is a major challenge. 77% of the respondents felt that speed was a significant challenge. In this article, Ayaz Nanji highlights the major challenges that creative teams face while developing content.

Why long-tail keywords are the best strategy for your Content Marketing plan

For the success of any digital marketing campaign, one needs to pay equal attention to SEO and content marketing. Often SEO agencies are not aware of what they are writing about, yet they come up with an SEO strategy which helps them get a better ranking than their competitors. They do so by including long-tail keywords in their articles. Read this article by Giorgi Mikhelidze why long-tail keywords are the best strategy for your content marketing plan.


How Content Marketing & SEO Work in Unison

Most people have the misconception that content marketing and SEO are integrated. There are also some theories that content marketing is taking over SEO. However, both SEO and content marketing have a common goal. Their main aim is to make suitable pages get a high ranking in the results pages of search engines and generate relevant traffic. In this informative article, Max Johnson explains how an effective SEO and content strategy can help you optimize not just your blog but also other pages of your website.

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Why Negative SEO Matters, Even if Rankings Are Unaffected

Negative SEO can hurt your site even if its rankings are not affected in any way. The first issue you are likely to face if you have a lot of backlinks pointing to your site, there will be a corruption of data. For instance, if you have 5,000 links to your website, it will push over the limit of the number of links which Google Search Console will offer you in different reports about links. As a result, there might be some useful links which may not be included in the report. Read this informative article by Russ Jones to know why negative SEO is important, even if your rankings are not affected in any way.

What is the user journey in SEO?

Have you ever wondered how the term ‘user journey’ is related to SEO in any way? It includes all the steps that a user takes to reach his goal. For buying anything, the user journey includes some steps like reading reviews, checking prices offered by different shops, etc. Mapping the user journey makes it considerably easier for users to find what they are looking for to make a decision. Read this informative article by Edwin Toonen to know what exactly is user journey in SEO.
Social Media Marketing

10 Beginner Tips For New Social Media Campaigns

Proper planning is essential for your social media campaign to be successful. To make sure that your campaign is effective, stick to the promotional rules of a social media platform that you are aware of. Plan and decide what you exactly want to achieve through the campaign. Having a clear primary and secondary goal will help you stay on the right course. Read this article by Crystal Peterson to know what steps you should take to start a social media campaign from scratch.

Social Media Marketing Terms: 75+ You Need to Know

Jargon is used loosely in social media marketing, and their meanings can change within a short period of time. To excel in the highly competitive domain of social media, you need to have a clear perception of the terminology related to it. In this article, Artimese Nicole shares a list of important social media marketing terms which you need to know.

Email Marketing

A Retailer’s Guide to Email Marketing Strategy

A survey done by eMarketer should that more than 80% of small and medium-sized businesses polled stated that email marketing helps them to attract and retain new customers. Implementing a successful retail email marketing strategy can help you to boost sales, enhance the conversion of potential customers and attract new customers. This article by Bryan Caplan explains how you can create an effective marketing strategy to help your retail business grow.

How To Successfully Use Data For Your Email Marketing

Analyzing data collection through different channels enables marketers to acquire valuable insights related to audience preferences and behavior. This is the major reason why marketers in the US have invested around $5 billion into data management over the last few years. Combining data and email can help marketers not only to create an effective strategy but also use the details acquired to achieve the best results. Read this article by JT Ripton to know how you can use successfully use data for email marketing.
Link Building

How to Fight Against Spammy Link Building this 2020

Spammy links are one of the most annoying tasks that webmasters need to avoid and resolve. These links are built to affect the ranking of a site negatively. Spammy links are of different types like directories, blog comments, paid links, link schemes, etc. In this article, Sean Si shares some tips which you can use to remove spammy links from your site.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.