Google had launched Fact Check tag in October last year and it was rolled out in the US and UK then. The tagged articles will show in the expanded story box on and in the Google News & Weather iOS and Android apps. Google has now made Fact Check available in Google News everywhere and also expanded it to Search globally in all languages.
Google said, “For the first time, when you conduct a search on Google that returns an authoritative result containing fact checks for one or more public claims, you will see that information clearly on the search results page. The snippet will display information on the claim, who made the claim, and the fact check of that particular claim.”
The information won’t be available for all search results with many search claims checked by different publishers who reached different conclusions. These fact checks are ot Google’s and are presented to help people make more informed decisions.
Publishers who want to be included in this feature must be using the ClaimReview markup on the specific pages where they fact check public statements. They can also use the Share The Facts widget.