When you are involved with the search marketing industry, you get to meet the dynamites of the industry. Adam Lasnik is one of them, apart from Matt Cutts and Vanessa Fox who has been involved with Google for long. Adam Lasnik, who is responsible for webmaster was recently interviewed by Lee Odden about his involvement in Google and also his contribution to it.
On being asked about his recruitment policy with Google, Adam Lasnik replied, "I’ve been a fan of Google for quite some time, even writing up a ‘how to Google’ tips article in early 2000 for a former employer’s internal newsletter…. As a happy coincidence, Matt and the Search Quality group had been increasingly interested in extending these sorts of conversations as well, and so you might say we sort of found each other."
When asked about the issues/problems that the Webmasters raises in terms of ranking on Google and how do they deal with it, Adam replied, "The two most common concerns we hear are: ‘Hey, all or most of my pages aren’t in your index!’ and ‘My site’s not ranking as high as I’d like or for the keywords it should show up for’. The solutions involve patience and/or responsible networking to garner at least a few good links. Or, when violations are an issue, then cleaning up the problem and filing a reinclusion request is the way to go."
Another interesting question was about his typical day in Googleplex. He answered, "a typical day consists of lots of internal collaboration (in person or via e-mail or internal Google docs), and also informal alpha testing of new products, visiting a large set of forums, blogs and other online publications, and preparing for or attending interviews or conferences…". The next question was about the launching of Search Engine Marketing Certification program by DMA and search marketing education initiative for in-house marketers and also the Google AdWords Professional offered by Google and how far all these search markets ‘certify’and makes sense. To this he replied, "…we’re concerned about the challenge of making sure that certified individuals or companies adhere to best practices on an ongoing basis….AdWords is a more controlled and measurable environment…But as with everything in this industry nothing’s set in stone".