When we look at the major attributes of Google Chrome then its main feature is to list the sites you regularly visit on your home page when the browser starts. Now here is the news: Google has brought the same feature to Firefox, via the latest Google Toolbar update which is now available.

Now, when you will open a new tab in Firefox, you will be able to get a list of your most visited sites with this update. Google has not confirmed this update officially, but a lot of Internet users are already seeing this update, notes Google Blogoscoped. But if you are not in a favor of using Chrome, then you can use the Google Toolbar 5 for Firefox.
And if you want to remove a particular site, then you can make use of “Edit thumbnails” link that is located at the bottom of the “Most visited” tab that appears.
But if you completely want to disable this feature, then follow these steps:
- Click on the Wrench icon.
- Click on the Search tab.
- Come to this section called “Web-browsing tools”.
- Untick “Enable the Google new tab page”.