Bing has announced that it is closing down its anonymous submit URL tool which enabled anyone to submit any URL for submission within the Bing search index. Google closed down their public URL tool just a few months ago. Bing has stated that people can still utilize Bing Webmaster Tools in order to submit their own URLs.
Why is it shutting down?
Bing has mentioned that the URLs acquired via public URL submission tool were of too inferior quality to be trustworthy. According to them, webmasters want to have more ownership of URLs for their website. Doing away with the use of the public tool removes access from third parties who submit their URLs on Bing’s search index.
How will you be affected?
From now on you won’t be able to submit any URL to Bing index as you used to. Moreover, for submitting URLs, you will need to create a Webmaster Tools account, verify your website and then utilize the tool inside the console for URL submission. For using the tool, webmasters will only have to log in, add and affirm their website before navigating to the Submit URL tool within Configure My Site menu options.
What impact will it have on search?
This change can help Bing to minimize spam shown in search results and help it to concentrate on content which is more reliable. Search experience of users, on the whole, will improve as a result.