Have you not thought about your website for a long time? Or are you not sure how to make your pages better? Don’t worry, we can help you restart SEO on your website and make search engines love it again.

Getting people to come to your website and business is easier when you’re enjoying yourself. Let’s improve your website’s SEO so more people can visit it. You may already know that SEO helps bring more people to your website and increase your business.

But if you want more people to visit your website, you have to work on it consistently. We know it can be hard, especially when you’re doing most of it on your own. That’s why we have a 4-step plan to help fix your website.

4 Steps to Restart SEO Fix Your Website

To restart SEO, we will spend some time thinking about who will visit your website and simple ways to make it better. The next step is just about keeping things clean and taking care of them. Then, in the third and fourth step, you will learn how to include SEO in your regular activities.

Step 1: Thinking

  • Assess What You Understand About Your Audience

Let’s pause and think before we start improving and writing. Spend some time finding out who will be reading your content. This may seem obvious, but you should understand your audience by analyzing them.

Don’t make decisions based on guesses. Find out who is currently visiting your website, who else you want to bring in, and what they all have in common. Think about your audience in specific ways, like their age, where they live, and what they like.

Try to figure out why they come to your website. What does your audience like to see, do, or buy on your website? Is your content attracting the right people? Has your business or audience changed since you last updated your website.

By asking these questions, you can better understand your audience and concentrate on the important things. Are you making the right content? Do your call-to-actions match what your audience wants? Are you still trying to reach the right people? Get the right information to help you make these decisions and make it easier for yourself to improve your site.

  • Find Your Quick Wins

Before you make any big changes, it’s a good idea to check your Analytics and Google Search Console. If you haven’t checked in a while, it’s a good way to see how your website is doing. And it will likely give you many ideas for things you can do better.

See which pages are doing good and come up with ways to make them even better. If there are pages that did well before but not now, it’s time to pay more attention to them.

You can use Google Search Console to see how well your website pages are doing in search engine results.

Do your important pages show up near the top of search results? If not, update them and make sure they’re targeted at the right keywords. Also check how your page has performed over time. That will give you important information about which pages need to be updated.

Create a list of website pages and posts that look like they can be easily fixed. By just improving the content, putting in the right links and making some adjustments, you can begin to get more people to visit these pages.

  • Update Your Keyword Search

The longer it’s been since you last looked for keywords, or if you’ve never had the chance to do it, now is the time to start. Your audience might be searching for different things now, or there might be new trends in your field that you should know about.

Either way, spend some time researching keywords to figure out what words your audience is using. The Semrush integration tool in Yoast SEO can show you popular keywords in your area.

Also Read: 14 Essential Free SEO Tools Every Website Owner Should Use

Step 2: Maintenance

  • Perform Technical Maintenance

Even if you don’t like it, it’s important to pay attention to the technical side of your website. If you haven’t checked your website in a long time, be sure to do these checks first:

  1. Improve the Site Speed
    First, see how fast your website is loading. Visitors and search engines don’t like pages that take a long time to load. You will miss the chance to reach them if they don’t even visit your website.
    Fortunately, there are tools available to help you determine if your pages are loading quickly. Learn how to check how fast your website loads and how to make it load faster to improve your site speed.
  2. Find and Repair the 404 Error Pages
    A 404 page is shown to visitors when they try to visit a page that doesn’t exist on the website. When your website has been online for a long time, some of the old links may not work anymore.
    Having some 404 errors is okay for your rankings, but it can be bad for your SEO if there are too many. Don’t forget to look for any broken links on your website and use a tool like the redirect manager to send people to a different page.
  • Perform Content Maintenance

If you haven’t focused on SEO recently, your internal linking probably needs attention too. There are two exercises that can help you improve your internal linking structure. You can easily do these exercises and fix important issues in just a short amount of time.

With the cornerstone content workout, you can pick the articles that are most important to you. The people you want to be ranked with. After the workout, you can make sure that your internal links are helping your articles to rank well.

The orphaned content workout will help you find all your articles that don’t have any links to them from other articles on your website. Maybe you could put some links on that page to make it easier to find. Or maybe those links should be taken off and put somewhere else on your website.

There are many tools that will help you decide and even give you some helpful suggestions for links, to help you fix all of your content problems. After you have finished cleaning, you can make new content and make your old content better.

Also Read: Few ways to Get High-Quality Backlinks to Your WordPress Site

Step 3: Planning

The first two steps most likely gave you a lot of ideas for what to do next. I hope it also made you feel excited to start again. To keep your excitement for your website from fading too soon, let’s make a plan. A plan that can actually be done.

Determine how many hours you can spend on SEO each week or month. Next, make a plan for the things you need to do to improve your website’s visibility on the internet in the next few months. Be clear about what you’re going to do, so you don’t have to decide later. 

To stay excited and make progress fast, we recommend starting with the easy tasks you wrote down in step 1. Also, make sure to do some enjoyable SEO tasks along with the not-so-enjoyable ones, so you don’t end up saving the boring stuff for last and then end up forgetting about it.

Step 4: Back to Your Usual Schedule

This takes us to the final step, a stage that will never truly finish. Because it’s the time when you make SEO a regular part of your work. It’s something you need to keep doing and make better over time by checking and improving it regularly.

The good news is that the SEO work you’re doing helps your audience and makes your business grow. Think of it as an important use of your time. You should make a habit of doing the following tasks:

  • Checking Phase

  1. Reviewing how your website’s pages are connected to each other
    It’s important to check how all the pages on your website connect to each other so that visitors have an easy time using it. Check the way the links are connected inside the website to make sure it’s easy to move between pages and find the information you need.
    Find and fix any links that don’t work or lead to nowhere, which could make it hard to browse the internet. Also, linking important pages within the website can help them show up more in search results.
  2. Researching for keywords
    Looking for the right words is really important for making sure people can find your website and your content. This is about finding the words and phrases people use when they search online for things about your business or industry.
    Keyword research helps you figure out what people are looking for, how many people are searching for it, and how hard it is to rank for those topics. By doing detailed keyword research, you can find important information to help with your content plan, improve your website for better search results, and bring in specific organic visitors.
  3. Studying how well you are doing in Analytics and Google Search Console
    It’s really important to check how well you’re doing on Analytics and Google Search Console to see how well your website is working. Analytics gives important information about how many people visit your website, what they do there, and how many of them take action.
    Google Search Console provides the needed information about how your site shows up in search results, like how often it’s seen, how many times people click on it, and how often they click compared to how many times it’s shown.
  • Executing Phase

  1. Updating content regularly
    It’s important to keep adding new content to your website so people stay interested. New and interesting content brings in visitors and makes them come back again. It also helps the website show up higher in search engine results.
    Frequent updates show that your website is active and current, which can make you more trustworthy and respected in your industry. Also, by updating your content, you can add new information, trends, and developments to keep your audience informed and interested.
  2. Creating new content
    Creating new content is an important part of successful online marketing plans. Interesting and new content brings in people and keeps them interested, bringing more visitors to your website and making your brand more well-known.
    By creating new content often, you can meet the changing needs of your customers, showcase what you know, and stay important in your field. In addition, making different kinds of content like blogs, videos, pictures, and podcasts helps you reach different groups of people you want to reach and offer them the things they like.
  3. Doing internal linking
    Internal linking is really important for making the website better and easier for people to use. By linking pages on your website in a smart way, you make it easier for people to find and read related information.
    This makes it easier to use and it makes people want to look at more pages on your website. This helps to keep people from leaving right away and makes them spend more time on your site. It also helps search engines go through your website better.

To Conclude

Taking care of your website is not something you do once, but something you need to keep doing to make sure it works well. Keeping your website in good shape by doing regular maintenance helps it stay safe, work well, and be easy for people to use.

To appear at the top of search results, you have to work hard. If you do it often, it’s not a big deal. But if you haven’t been paying attention to your SEO for a while, it will take some effort to get it back on track. Just remember that when you put love into your site, it will make the visitors and search engines happy.


How can I fix problems on my website like 404 pages or images that are broken?

You can fix 404 errors by making new links that lead to the right pages, or by updating old links so they point to the correct pages. If pictures are not showing up, make sure the file paths and hosting are correct, or use different pictures that work.

How can I make my website more secure?

Improve safety by making sure your software and plugins are always current, using strong passwords, using SSL encryption, checking for malware frequently, and using security plugins or services.

How do I know if my website needs to be fixed or updated?

You can use website auditing tools to find problems like broken links, security weaknesses, and slow performance. In addition, keeping an eye on what users say and monitoring website data can help find areas that need to be fixed.

What are some best practices to take care of a website?

Update software and plugins often, back up your website data, watch for security problems, make your site load fast, fix any broken links, and test how easy it is to use. Also, it’s important to keep up to date with what’s happening in the industry and how users behave, so that you can maintain things properly.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.