Attracting more visitors to your website doesn’t necessarily require spending money. You have access to many free SEO tools that can effectively drive traffic. While you may be familiar with some like Google Keyword Planner, there are plenty of other options available. Interested in exploring them? Let’s get started!

Key Points

  • Leveraging free SEO tools can be instrumental in driving traffic, optimizing content, and boosting visibility. These tools simplify various aspects of SEO, including keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink assessment, and on-page optimization, among others.
  • Incorporating free keyword research tools like Ubersuggest, AnswerThePublic, Google Keyword Planner, and Google Trends into your SEO strategy can substantially improve its effectiveness.

The Importance Of Using SEO Tools

SEO tools comprise software tailored to improve a website’s visibility and ranking on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These tools aid in keyword research, competitor analysis, on-page optimization, backlink analysis, and more. Examples include:

  • Keyword research SEO tools: These help identify relevant and profitable keywords for a website.
  • Content marketing SEO tools: They support an extensive content marketing strategy by identifying opportunities and tracking progress.
  • Technical SEO tools: These identify and resolve technical issues impacting SEO.
  • Rank tracking SEO tools: They monitor a website’s search engine rankings for specific keywords over time.

Understanding the importance of SEO tools for your strategy is critical. While they don’t replace the expertise of an SEO professional, they refine your approach, offer deeper insights, and save time on tedious tasks, allowing you to focus on core priorities. Several free SEO tools are available to identify site issues and suggest necessary changes. Let’s delve into some of them.

Free Keyword Research Tools

All tools within this category are designed to assist you in discovering additional keywords. Each tool may offer unique methods for generating keyword suggestions, thus it may be beneficial to explore various options available.

  1. Ubersuggest


Ubersuggest stands out as a reliable option among free SEO tools. Its efficient rank-tracking feature and keyword discovery capabilities aim to streamline SEO endeavors. Here’s a simple guide to get started:

  • Follow the provided link to access Ubersuggest.
  • Sign in to your account.
  • Input your website’s URL to access the dashboard.
  • Navigate to the “Rank Tracking” section in the left-hand menu.
  • Once there, you’ll gain access to valuable insights, including tracked keywords, average positions, and current search result rankings.

For example, by entering your website’s URL, you can monitor your rankings daily for specific keywords or keyword groups across various locations like countries, cities, or counties. Ubersuggest prioritizes data security, ensuring your information remains accessible, enabling you to track progress over time and identify any fluctuations in rankings.

  1. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner

Google recognizes the significance of establishing an online presence for businesses, and to facilitate this, they offer a range of tools designed to streamline SEO processes. Among these tools, the Google Keyword Planner stands out as a valuable resource, functioning akin to a trusted advisor in identifying optimal keywords. It not only suggests keywords but also furnishes essential details such as Cost Per Click (CPC) and estimated clicks.

What’s intriguing is that many other keyword tools draw upon data sourced from the Google Keyword Planner. Therefore, if you’re exploring CPC data elsewhere, it likely originates from the same dependable source.

When utilizing the Keyword Planner, it’s prudent to prioritize keywords with a high CPC. These keywords possess the potential to generate more organic conversions, thereby laying a solid foundation for the success of your SEO endeavors.

  1. Soovle

Imagine Soovle as your trusty navigator in the vast expanse of the online world, akin to Google Suggest but with a broader reach. It extends beyond just Google, spanning various popular websites. Think of it as your customizable search companion, adept at gathering trending keywords from Google, YouTube, Amazon, Wikipedia, Bing, Yahoo, and

By harnessing this rich source of popular keywords, you can elevate your website’s presence on search engine results pages (SERPs). Soovle streamlines the process, sparing you the laborious task of individually sourcing these keywords on Google. This is why, it ranks among the top-tier free SEO tools.

  1. AnswerThePublic


AnswerThePublic swiftly rose to prominence as a preferred choice among complimentary SEO tools and is presently part of the NP Digital portfolio. Much like Ubersuggest, it furnishes comparative and preposition-related keywords. What distinguishes this tool for us is its graphical depiction of data, which enhances comprehension compared to alternative solutions.


AnswerThePublic utilizes Google Suggest to reveal a wide range of questions people may have regarding any industry or keyword. By entering a keyword, it provides an extensive list of related questions that reflect current searches conducted by users.

Also Read: Answer The Public Review: Features, Pricing, Alternatives and How to Find Commercial Intent Keywords and Bring More Traffic

  1. Google Trends

Google Trends

We are frequently drawn to Google Trends, it becomes almost seamless – engaging with it around three or four times weekly. Yet, it’s not merely a habitual action; rather, it’s a genuinely anticipated activity. Google Trends offers a unique insight into the internet’s collective interests, effectively unveiling current discussions. Observing the evolution of various industries over time proves to be enlightening. Additionally, the ability to customize searches to align with specific interests or to explore global trends adds further value. It’s akin to having a direct conduit to the ongoing occurrences in the digital sphere.

Also Read: Top 12 Keyword Research Tools to Boost Your Website Traffic

Free Keyword Ranking Tools

Discovering keywords is merely a facet of SEO. Additionally, integrating free keyword ranking tools becomes imperative to evaluate your website’s performance. Below are several top options for consideration.

  1. Google Analytics/Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics/Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics is vital for content marketing and SEO. With the introduction of GA4, the ability to capture event-based data has greatly improved, enriching our comprehension of the customer journey. Key data regarding site visitors, traffic, and other metrics stems from this indispensable source.

If you haven’t integrated Google Analytics/4 yet, we highly recommend doing so promptly. No other data source offers the same level of high-quality and detailed information provided by this free keyword ranking tool. To access this feature, simply connect your account to the search console.

  1. Mozbar


This SEO software tool is well-known for its popularity and comprehensive range of features. One notable feature is its domain authority checker. Although Google doesn’t explicitly factor in domain authority, the credibility of a site linking to yours generally suggests higher authority. The MozBar Chrome extension offers insights into domain authority and page authority for any webpage, facilitates data export, and enables custom searches.

  1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Google Search Console, a product of Google, stands out as a highly effective SEO tool, offering valuable insights into your website’s performance. It provides detailed information on page rankings across various countries, ensuring accuracy and reliability in the data presented. Furthermore, it allows tracking of ranking changes over a 16-month period and facilitates identification of indexed pages. Utilizing its features is straightforward—simply submit an XML sitemap to get started.

  1. Spyfu


SpyFu specializes in competitor analysis, offering an SEO marketing suite, backlink outreach, and competitive analysis tools crucial for boosting marketing revenue via SEO and PPC strategies. Stay current by tracking keywords and creating custom reports to convert data into customers.

Build stronger connections to foster partnerships, boost sales, and monitor SEO rankings for heightened website traffic. While paid subscriptions are available, you can access the SEO tools for free.

Free Technical SEO Tools

SEO has undergone some significant changes recently. Simply scratching the surface won’t cut it anymore if you want your website to grab attention in search results. To truly stand out and surpass your rivals, you’ve got to dig deeper, exploring the complexities of technical SEO. Yet, success isn’t just about cracking algorithms and sprinkling keywords—it’s about getting inside your audience’s heads and tailoring content that really resonates with them.

When you do that, you’re not just climbing up the search ladder; you’re also building authentic relationships with your audience, laying the groundwork for long-lasting success for your website.

  1. SEO Analyzer

SEO Analyzer

We provide additional SEO tools for your convenience. You might want to try our SEO Analyzer by inputting your URL. This tool meticulously evaluates various SEO elements such as duplicate meta tags, redirect errors, sitemaps, and more. It generates comprehensive SEO analysis and audit reports, allowing you to assess backlinks and site speed.

Furthermore, it offers insights into potential issues with your web pages through its SEO checker feature. After analyzing your website, you’ll receive data on monthly Google visitors, backlinks, domain numbers, and competitor insights. Additionally, by signing up for a free account, the tool conducts automatic error checks on your website every week.

  1. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a website crawler designed specifically for detecting and resolving typical SEO problems, thereby enhancing onsite SEO effectiveness. It offers access to complimentary SEO tools capable of crawling up to 500 URLs, along with features such as URL mapping and analysis of page titles and meta descriptions.

With Screaming Frog, users can analyze results instantly, identify broken links, and perform audits on redirects. Moreover, it collects essential onsite data, enabling users to make well-informed decisions about their website’s optimization tactics.

  1. Sitechecker


To elevate your website’s on-page and technical SEO, consider initiating a thorough website audit using a reliable crawler tool. Sitechecker stands out among free SEO tools for its precise technical SEO audits, tailored to suit various stages of your website’s development. Whether you’re just starting out, transitioning your site, or aiming for top search rankings, Sitechecker provides comprehensive support.

Opting for Sitechecker means more than just receiving an SEO audit report. You’ll also receive a detailed checklist guiding you through the optimization process step by step, akin to having a personal SEO advisor readily available.

Additionally, Sitechecker grants access to over 90 other useful SEO tools, all at no cost. Ready to enhance your website’s SEO performance? Let’s kickstart the process with Sitechecker.

  1. Google Pagespeed Insights

Google Pagespeed Insights

To garner attention online, particularly from Google’s mobile index, prioritizing swift website loading is essential. Leveraging free SEO tools presents an effective strategy to initiate improvements in load times. PageSpeed Insights furnishes comprehensive reports, delineating necessary adjustments for expeditious loading on diverse devices. Simply input your URL, initiate analysis, and glean invaluable insights tailored to your targeted device.

  1. Pingdom


The performance of your server and CDN plays a vital role in determining your overall load time, which is critical for assessing your website’s adherence to required standards. Website speed is directly linked to SEO, as previously emphasized. Thankfully, there are several free tools for evaluating page speed.

Pingdom offers accurate load time measurements and pinpoints factors that affect webpage speed. With Pingdom, you can select the testing location and identify the specific code on your site responsible for the most significant slowdowns.

Furthermore, Pingdom provides a monthly website monitoring subscription in addition to its free SEO software.


In conclusion, the plethora of free SEO tools available offers a valuable resource for individuals and businesses seeking to optimize their online presence. By leveraging these tools effectively, users can enhance their website’s visibility, analyze performance, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately drive organic traffic and achieve higher search engine rankings.

From keyword research to backlink analysis, site audits to competitor tracking, the comprehensive compilation of free SEO tools empowers users with the insights and data necessary to succeed in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Embracing these resources and staying informed about emerging trends and techniques can significantly contribute to achieving long-term SEO success.


Are there any truly free SEO tools available?

Yes, there are numerous free SEO tools available that offer valuable features for optimizing websites. While some tools have premium versions with advanced functionalities, many offer robust free versions that can be highly effective for basic SEO tasks.

What are some examples of free SEO tools?

Some popular free SEO tools include Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Keyword Planner, MozBar, SEMrush Free, Ubersuggest, Yoast SEO plugin (for WordPress), Screaming Frog SEO Spider, and AnswerThePublic.

Can free SEO tools replace premium tools?

While free SEO tools offer valuable functionalities, they may not provide the depth of analysis or advanced features available in premium tools. Depending on your specific needs and budget, a combination of free and premium tools may be the most effective solution for comprehensive SEO optimization.

Are there any risks associated with using free SEO tools?

While free SEO tools can be highly beneficial, there are some potential risks to be aware of, such as limited functionality, inaccurate data, and privacy concerns. It’s important to carefully evaluate the reliability and reputation of any free SEO tool before integrating it into your optimization strategy.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.