Google is constantly adding new features and advanced filtering options to it’s new Search Console.

One of the major change in Search Console that Google announced earlier this week was the access to 16 months of data. On top of that, Google now brings up new ways to filter data.

Business owners with access to the new Google Search Console can see the filters within their Search Performance report.

Here is what Glenn Gabe posted on Twitter:

“I’ve been waiting for this! The new GSC just added custom date filtering AND compare functionality. That was much-needed in the new reporting. It’s getting there!

For example, compare dates, devices, etc. This was missing until today.”

New Filtering Options In The Google Search Console

There are three new filters in total:

  • Filter data by specific date range
  • Compare data in one custom date range against data in another custom date range.
  • Filter and compare data by device type.

The new Google Search console is being rolled out gradually, and Google is constantly coming up with new features. Currently, users may switch between the classic Google Search Console version and the classic one.

More features are on the way as Google works on the public beta.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.