Google My Business has made a minor change to Google My Business dashboard where users edit their business listings. From now on, Google will display and enable you to edit primary and additional(secondary)categories instead of clumping both inside a big category with multiple options.

Ben Fisher posted about this new change on Local Search Forums, stating that Google is “now ungrouping the Primary Category and Additional Categories in the web version of GMB.” All local SEOs who have replied about the change had a positive view. They stated that it has made Google My Business dashboard cleaner, more simplified and ensured a better UI. A screenshot of the post is given below –

Google My Business Bifurcates Primary & Additional Business Categories


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.