Google is closing down Google+ four months earlier than expected after a second data breach. In October, Google announced that it would be doing away with the consumer version of Google+ and its APIs since there were considerable challenges for maintaining a successful product which satisfied the expectations of consumers apart from the low usage of the platform.
An even larger data breach was detected last month which had an impact on 52.5 million users. Because of this, Google is hastening the process of closing down Google+, which is scheduled to take place in April 2019 instead of the end of August as speculated. Moreover, all Google+ APIs will be closed down in the next three months. Google has assured people who feel that their data has fallen into wrong hands by stating that there is no evidence of misuse.
But probe related to the impact of the bug is still on. Therefore, further details can be revealed at a later date. In the worst circumstances, the only details which a third party might access is a user’s profile information. Google has mentioned that the bug found in Google+ API won’t be given third party access to data utilized for staling identity or fraud.