Google has launched three new features to Google My Business-messaging insights, a site manager sign-up link on a business profile and changes to status names.

Whats Is Messaging Insights?

If you have started messaging within Google My Business, then Google will analytics related to that specific feature. Google also help you to see insights based on your reactivity to messages. You can view your insights if messaging has been enabled on your Google My Business app. All insights will be private to you and won’t be shared with your customers. You can view the average response time to the messages. Such insights will display the average wait time for a message response utilizing the last 28 days of data. All insights will be private for you. They won’t be shared with your customers.

To view messaging insights, you will have to-

  • On your Android device, open Google My Business app My Business
  • Click Customers, before clicking on Messages

What Is Site Manager Sign-up Link?

You may come across a site manager sign-up link can be found in the Business profile of few claimed chain locations on Maps and Search. Using the new sign-up link, you can sign up a site manager directly from Google My Business profile. Users who utilize the link will be verified by Google to ensure that they have an accurate data profile. You can learn more how this can be done over here.

What are Changes In Status Names?

Google has enhanced the accuracy of status names on the locations page and Google Updates card. On the locations and Google Updates pages, Google will display ‘‘verified ‘’ and ‘’unverified’’ rather than ‘’published’’ and ‘’unpublished’’ as they clearly explain the probable listing states.

One important thing to note is that a listing which is being published isn’t the same as the one which is being verified. In case the listing is closed, suspended or review is pending, it may be verified but not published. If a listing is on Google, but their connection hasn’t been verified to the business yet, that business will be published but not verified. You can know more over here.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.