Google introduces a new way to get more exposure through your livestream videos. Since live streaming has become a bit of craze lately, this new tool launched by Google will help more people to discover your livestreams in Google’s Search and Assistant.

Google announced, “With livestream structured data and the Indexing API, you can let Google know when your video is live, so it will be eligible to appear with a red ‘live’ badge.”

Google Launches the Indexing API and Structured Data for Livestream

Structured Data: If you label your livestream show with the structured data, it will enable your video to show up in the Google search results. Use the livestream developer documentation to flag your video as a live broadcast.

Indexing API: Google said, “We recommend calling the Indexing API when your livestream begins and ends, and if the structured data changes.” Using this API will ensure that Google crawls your livestream quickly.

If you have any further questions, be a part of the discussion with Google in the Webmaster Help Forum, or visit Google’s developer documentation.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.