Google is launching a new ad product which utilizes machine learning to adjust to the queries of users. Responsive search ads enable advertisers to offer up to 15 headlines and 4 description lines. Following this Google will test various combinations of headlines and descriptions, finding out which ad creative performs the best for various search queries. Google stated that during testing, the use of machine learning for testing multiple ad creative sets can boost clicks by 15 percent.
Apart from increasing clicks, responsive search ads will enable advertisers to participate in a greater number of auctions and match more queries. This will enable them to reach out to a large number of potential buyers. Though they seem related to expanded text ads, responsive search ads are different in two major ways.
- Higher flexibility- With 15 headlines and 4 descriptions for one responsive search ad, there are numerous possible combinations for Google to display based on the question.
- Greater space- These ads display up to three headlines rather than two, and two description fields of 90 characters(in contrast to a single 80-character description field).
At present, responsive search ads are in beta. Only a limited number of AdWords advertisers have access to them. They will be accessible for all advertisers in the months to come.