Google is taking the social media marketing tactic involving- “educate, entertain and engage” the masses way to seriously. And with all the zeal, enthusiam, excitement and energy- Google is growing its YouTube presence with another video series. PS: This time it’s intended towards beginners, rather than experienced SEOs.

Unlike Google’s other video series, this one is a fully animated series for anyone who is eager to learn the basics of creating an online presence and the right Google Search tools.

Perhaps Google believes an animated series is more comprehensible for beginners?
Either way, the visuals are attractive and reasonably appealing indeed!

Google describes the series as: “… a new fully animated series for anyone who is interested in learning the basics of creating an online presence and the right Google Search tools to help customers find their website.”

Please add the video here (link:

New videos will be out every two weeks and will touch on topics such as:

1. How Google Search works
2. Frequently asked questions related to search and discoverability
3.How to change what’s showing up in snippets in Google Search
4. How to correct inaccurate information about a business
5.How to set goals for a website
6.Tips for hiring a web developer
7.Tips for hiring an SEO specialist
8. Top 5 things to consider for a website
9. And much more

Although it’s titled as “Search for Beginners”, Google says the level of information covered will range from beginner to advanced.

Also, you’d be glad to know that new episodes will be released every two weeks and can be viewed in any order you like. So, the only thing you need is to tune in to the episodes that interest you.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.