Google PageSpeed is utilizing Lighthouse as its analysis engine. This alteration was done to ensure a uniformity between Google’s web page performance analysis tools. Earlier, Google’s tools used various analysis engines which led to different recommendations from each individual tool.

Now users can have the same performance audits and recommendations on the internet, command line and in Chrome DevTools. Google stated –

“At Google, we know that speed matters and we provide a variety of tools to help everyone understand the performance of a page or site. Historically, these tools have used different analysis engines.

Unfortunately, this caused some confusion because the recommendations from each tool were different.

Today, we’re happy to announce that Pagespeed Insights (PSI) now uses Lighthouse as its analysis engine.”

From now on, PageSpeed Insights(PSI) will offer users with the performance data mentioned below-

  • Lab Data – PSI fetch acquires and analyzes the page utilizing Lighthouse, which imitates the manner in which a page loads on a mobile phone. It calculates a group of performance metrics and compiles data into a score in the range between 0-100(90 and above is regarded as something impressive).
  • Field Data – Real-world performance metrics from the page and its origin. This includes First Input Delay and First Contentful Paint.
  • Opportunities – Recommendations on the ways through which the performance metrics of a page can be enhanced and an estimate of how quickly will it load in case improvement is done.
  • Diagnostics – Additional details on how a page follows the best practices for web development.

Google PageSpeed Insights Provides New Performance Metrics Analyzed By Lighthouse

Google To Launch New Version of PageSpeed Insights API

From now on, Version 5 of PageSpeed Insights API will offer CrUX data and all Lighthouse audits. Older versions of PSI API will be rejected in the next six months.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.