Have you always faced a difficulty in knowing how well your datasets perform in Google Search? Fret no more! As Google effectively puts an end to all your potential problems by adding a brand new report back to the Search Console. Utilizing this new report you can easily view the efficiency of your datasets in Google Search.

Please Note: This newly well-formed report may be uncovered right from the Enhancements part of the “Datasets” part if you’re using dataset markup from in your web pages.

Getting To Know Datasets From Close: Google in 2018 launched Google Dataset Search- paving an easy path to procure relevant data from sciences, government, some news organizations. Google also launched new schema for developers to markup your webpage content, when applicable, with dataset schema. This schema makes it viable for searchers to better visualize data represented on a web page directly in Google’s search results.

The New Report: As it is already stated above, the new report can be acquired within Google Search Console, under the enhancement section. The new reoprt will clearly mirror flaws, errors and warnings if applicable and also how many URLs have appropriate dataset markup on it.

What it Looks Like:
Google Search Console Adds A New Type Of Datasets To Enhancement Report Section

Reason behind- Why can’t I view it? Google said if you do not use datasets schema, the report won’t come up for you. Also even if you use it, there is a slight chance the report might not show either. So, don’t panic! It might not come to the forefront because you recently added the schema and it can take a while for Google to process this schema.

Why Should It Matter? Grasping vital information from Google about the overall health of our pages in search will definitely be a good move to consider. Thus, if you have implemented datasets schema, this new report should be able to help you catch potential issues and debar them from moving ahead.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.