In continuation to its Beta exploration of new Search Console, Google has come with up with a few more features to the new interface. Google designed the product to facilitate cooperative team usage and transparency of action history. The Search Console has been worked upon to offer better history tracking, with the spirit to enable all the users to see critical site messages.

The role of this new addition is to provide a simpler permission model, limiting the “restricted” user role to read-only status. This leaves the read-only users with no ability to make any state-changing actions, like starting a fix validation or sharing an issue.

The New Features Include

User management as an integral part of Search Console.

The new Search Console to enable users to share a read-only view of many reports, including Index coverage, AMP, and Mobile Usability.

A new user management interface to enable all users to see and (if appropriate), manage user roles for all property users.

Managing The User Permission

  • The User Management feature enables to keep a check on the kinds of authority a particular user may have over the properties on the Search Console. While some are Restricted users, some are verified owners who may take actions and make changes in the properties.
  • If you need to share an issue details report, click the Share link on that page.
  • Revoke permissions from users who no longer work on a property.
  • When removing a previous verified owner, be sure to remove all verification tokens for that user.
  • Regularly audit and update the user permissions using the ‘Users & Permissions’ page in new Search Console.

The addition in the new Search Console interface continues for the updated user management model, including the ability of restricted and full users to easily see a list of other collaborators on the site. Google said it is always open to feedback and ensured more updates relating to collaboration tools and changes in the permission models.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.