There’s no doubt to the fact that video has become one of the highly significant and growing digital based medium used by audience to fetch information online. And Google now steps up it’s game to help people find useful and interesting videos on the internet.

As we all know that video marketing serves to be one of most strongest armament to reach out to larger mass of audience on the web. Due to this it’s not uncommon to see video becoming an increasingly important format in Google Search. Thus, to enable webmasters better optimize performance, the Search Console is rolling out two brand new reports related to video.

Listening The Announcement Right From Google: The company announced that they have launched new Search Console reports for video content. There is a video enhancement report to help you remove errors, rework, restyle videos in Google search and there are video performance reports to let you know how well your videos are doing in Google Search and Google Discover.

Usually, video come up in three different ways in Google Search: on the main Search page; on the videos Search tab/filter; and in Discover (mobile only).

So, here is where in search these videos can show up:

Visibility Of Video In Performance Reports: Now you can grab this video performance reports by clicking on either of the performance reports. If your site is there in Google Discover, you’ll be able to view both Search Performance report and Discover preference report right there. You can filter these reports with a new “search appearance” option for “video” and then you can start to dig into just how well your videos do in search.

A Few Things To Note About Video Enhancement Report: Google along with this newly added enhancement reports is keep to show you debugging options for your video content on your site. Google said “A new report for “Videos” is now available in Search Console for sites that use structured data to annotate videos. The report allows you to see any errors and warnings for markup implemented on your site. When you fix an issue, you can use the report to validate if it was resolved by re-crawling your affected pages. Learn more about the rich result status reports.”

Have a look at the sample of the report:

So if the proposed feature is already appearing exciting enough, then catch on these new reports in Search Console made available now.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.