A new update to Google Manufacturer Center allows advertisers to add product pages to their Google Shopping listings. Moreover, advertisers will now have access to new analytics capabilities for measuring their results.

A new place to encourage shoppers and advertise your products

Google Shopping merchants can add their listings to product pages. Now you can make use of product pages for highlighting product features and capabilities vividly.

Google has entered into a partnership with WebCollage to offer content for product pages. As per Google, WebCollage has witnessed 10% more conversions for their clients when more visual content is showed to retailers on the basis of an A/B test. Soon, manufacturers will be able to upload their own content on the Manufacturer Center.

Google Shopping Enables Merchants To Add Full Product Pages To Listings!

New Updates To Analytics In Manufacturing Center

Google is introducing new analytics capabilities in Manufacturing Center which will offer merchants with a better perception about how their product ads are performing. Using this data, merchants can know how their product ads are appearing so that they can take better decisions. The new analytics comprise-

  • Performance trends such as top performing product groups and notable changes in performance or price.
  • Product group stats such as which products and brands of your competitor are more visible in comparison to yours.
  • Insights related to product variants such as top search terms of your products and average price trends.
  • This new analytics data is available to all brands in Manufacturing Center after including specific attributes to product data.

Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.