Google has upgraded its content guidelines for FAQ schema which says that you cannot markup the same question and answer with FAQ schema in case they are in multiple pages of our website. Google stated that site owners can mark up only one of these FAQ pages.

What are the new guidelines?

The updated guidelines included this line “If you have FAQ content that is repetitive on your site (meaning, the same question and answer appear on multiple pages on your site), mark up only one instance of that FAQ for your entire site.”

What is FAQ schema?

FAQ schema has been ben designed to be included to FAQ pages that offer a list of frequently asked questions and answers on a specific topic. Adding the structured data helps Google to show these questions and answers on Google Search and Assistant. Here is how it looks like in the search results-

Why is this update important?

You need to make sure that in case you have the same question and answer across multiple FAQ pages on your site, you remove the markup from all these pages except one for the query. If you don’t remove it, you are violating Google’s new guidelines, as a result of which all your pages may not show FAQ rich results in the search results of Google.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.