Google has recently added three new features to the Google Search Console’s Beta Version, that is now out for public use. Google asks for user feedback and reviews to incorporate in the beta version to make it more user friendly.

Google Upgrades Google Search Console With Features Like Mobile Usability Report, Manage Sites and Adds Site, in its New Beta Version

The new features added to the latest Google Search Console interface are:

  1. Manage users and permissions directly in the new Google Search Console. Previously, you were only able to do this within the old version.
  2. Add sites and validate ownership in the new Google Search Console. Previously, you were only able to do this within the old version
  3. Mobile Usability report is now also in the new Google Search Console.

Google Search Control is a collection of tools and resources to help website owners, webmasters, web marketers and SEO professionals monitor website performance in the Google search index. Google strives to add on more features to the latest Google Search Condole interface based on the user reviews and feed backs, via various feedback forums.

Google’s Search Console UX team explains, in their blog, how the latest console evolved from the older version, based on user response and feedback. The team says, “Search Console drives better results and sent out follow-up surveys to learn about their experience.” It received feedback primarily via methods like: the help forums, the submit feedback link and a group of beta testers called the “Search Console panel.”

Google announces to continue collecting feedback from the users for improvement and upgrade purposes of the console, while both the versions of the Google Search Control interface will be available to the public for use in the near future.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.