With over 433 million users LinkedIn has become a hot favorite of content marketers and bloggers who want to drive targeted traffic to their websites. (source)
Being a professional business social network, LinkedIn is the perfect place to promote your blog. Since it’s demographics is not too diverse as on other social media networks, you can easily get in front of the right people and pitch the idea that clicks.
If you want to taste your share of the LinkedIn pie, here are some best tips to drive massive traffic from LinkedIn.
1) Make your profile optimized for exposure.
No matter you are an author of HubSpot blog, if your profile isn’t optimized for more views, no one will see you on LinkedIn. But once you optimize it, add the elements required to get seen on LinkedIn, you can surely get more visits. This is proven by the experience of HubSpot author Joe Chernov who increased his profile views by 25% with just some minor changes.
Here is what you have to do:
a) Change your headline to increase search visibility.
LinkedIn Offers you a headline where you can place keywords to get more views when people search for related queries. Make sure to add your niche details so that relevant readers can find and connect to you.
If you are a freelance blogger, make sure you write freelance writer on your headline or if you are blogging about conversion optimization, make sure you mention the word “conversion optimization” to get an advantage on searches.
LinkedIn also provides you with what others in your industry are using so you can take an ida from there.
b) Add your posts in the summary sections:
LinkedIn provides you a summary section just below your profile details. Leverage it to place links to your most popular blog posts. This might not have any SEO value, but the summary section is the first thing people see when they visit your profile, and if you have a clickable headline, I am sure you can get some eyeballs on your blog.
2) Leverage LinkedIn Groups to get super targeted traffic to your Website:
LinkedIn groups are like Facebook groups (except there is no spamming in the former) where you have thousands of professional members who are eager to discuss the topics you are blogging.
Here is why you should leverage LinkedIn groups in your promotional strategy.
- The members of the groups are highly targeted, and hence you get in front of leads you would pay for using other social networks.
- Quality content on LinkedIn can build your brand and help you grow your blog.
- LinkedIn groups offer great feedback and advice on your writing and so this is a great place to learn something on the go.
Since you have only 50 groups to join at a time, make sure you find the most active and meaningful ones from the vast directory of groups. Here is how you can get more traffic using LinkedIn Groups.
a) Check and join groups:
As our main aim (as of now) is to drive traffic to our website, you must be careful to find out if a group allows posting links in it. You can do it before joining by clicking on the group list and then checking out the description section regarding their linking policies.
At no cost, you’d want to get banned for dropping links at a group that has zero tolerance towards it.
b) Participate in conversations before promotion:
In any social media platform, the key to real engagement and traffic is to interact with your community. When you are new to LinkedIn groups, try monitoring the activity and voice of the members before posting your links.
Here is a screenshot that shows you where to find these posts to interact.
Some groups have a day reserved for link promotions while others have the rule to share one link per week. Make sure you do not violate them.
c) Promote your links:
After initial interactions you can promote your blog article links to the group members. This can be done in two ways. You either add a relevant link while you are posting your update or directly choose the share to LinkedIn groups option while sharing from your website.
d) Participate in conversations:
Your job does not end after posting links on LinkedIn groups; rather they are the starting point to get more interactions, build genuine connections and drive more traffic through them.
3) LinkedIn Pulse: Your new Guest Posting Arena:
LinkedIn Pulse has been a tremendous success since its launch in 2014. The platform allows you to publish your blog posts on the platform and leverage its 433 million users to bat an eye. You can also syndicate your own (already published) blog posts to give them extra exposure.
Here are a few tips to get more views on LinkedIn Pulse.
a) LinkedIn Pulse readers love visual and long-form content:
Noah Kagan researched over 3000 articles on LinkedIn (these articles got an average of 42.5K views, 567 comments, and 138,841 comments) to find out what elements can get your content seen on LinkedIn pulse.
What he found out is, LinkedIn readers are fans of visual content. Each of the posts contained an average of 8 images in them. This number is really surprising as far as I am concerned, but you can always experiment to see what works out for you.
b) List posts and business or self-development posts are on the popular side:
On LinkedIn Pulse, you can always drive traffic back to your site by writing articles that are in your niche. If you have a list post or a “how-to” style post you can easily get more views.
Similarly, business and self-help posts get more visits on the platform. However, if you are not in that niche, you can easily find a topic (here is a list of channels) based on your website niche and post it. Make sure it is long form content and should have video or other multimedia assets (images are allowed).
c) How to make LinkedIn Pulse work for you:
Though LinkedIn Pulse is in itself a blogging platform, you can easily repost your posts there and get additional viewers. If you have a good number of followers or have written a nice post, you can go viral and drive a lot of traffic back to your site.
For example, this post by Johnson Kee got him over 100k page views just because he wrote something that resonated with the audience.
d) Add links back to your site:
Pageviews on Pulse would actually mean nothing if you cannot funnel them as leads back to your site. Since LinkedIn does not allow you to monetize pulse, you should aim at bringing the traffic back to your site where you can funnel them and convert them into sales/subscribers.
The best way is to add internal links (must be catchy enough to make readers click through them). One other thing you can do is to make your footer section a bit optimized so that it gives a brief introduction of your business.
You can add links to your landing pages in this section or provide them with the glimpse of your product if you have any.
4) What not to do on LinkedIn:
Like every other platform, LinkedIn users have their own pet peeves and doing certain things can turn them off. This will result in less interaction and thus less views of your posts. Here are certain things you should avoid to get more impressions.
a) Avoid posting about political and religious stuff:
We all have right to post whatever we want, but not all platform receive updates with an equal eye. In LinkedIn the conversation is more professional and business-related than talking about politics and religious updates.
You can instead post them on Facebook and other social media platforms.
b) Stop posting very personal stuff:
Like I said, personal stuff like the makeup you are wearing, the bike you recently bought or the cat that died leaving you lonely look good on Facebook and the audience there really loves it.
You can skip posting those stuff there because neither your potential leads nor your business associates are interested in those.
This is a paid method, but I can assure you will get quality leads to your website with this method. Also, this method works in conjunction with Facebook ads.
In this method, you have to use your LinkedIn contacts, by exporting them. Then you can actually segment it into industry based contacts so that you can run different campaigns based on various industries.
Then you can upload them to custom audiences in your Facebook ad manager and run a campaign. This method will not have huge impressions but will surely help you reach some gold audience which would otherwise be impossible to reach.
Here is a detailed guide on how to do it.
Wrapping up:
With LinkedIn emerging as a great content marketing platform it’s also turning a favorite of marketers who are interested in B2B connections. Having genuine presence and posting lots of updates can bring you good amount of traffic.
The traffic that LinkedIn sends is always interested in your business because they are there for business. So you get quality leads and lower bounce rates that platform like StumbleUpon and Facebook.
What are your favorite LinkedIn traffic driving strategies? Share them in the comments below.