Google has incorporated a lot of new features in its new version of Google Search Console. Google is yet on its expedition to bring more user friendly features to the console. In a recent announcement, Google said to have added the ‘Links Report‘ feature in the new Google Search Console interface.
Links Report
The Links Report feature streamlines the related links in different reports together, to make data access easy for the users. It eliminates the hassle of going back and forth to different files to gather data from related links, that are part of reports from different sections. The latest additional feature is a combination of the ‘Links to your site’ and ‘Internal Links’ function of the old Search Console interface. Google said, “It doesn’t mean Google sees fewer links… It just means the new report is more accurate.”
The new Links Report feature gets the following types of data:
- Top linking domains (Which sites link to me the most).
- Top linked pages (Which are my top linked pages from other sites).
- Which are my top linked pages from a specific site?
- Top linking text (What link text points to my site).
- What are the links from a specific site to my page.
- What are the top sites linking to my page.
- Top linked pages (Which of my pages is linked the most from within my own site).
- Which of my pages links to my page.
Mobile Usability Report
The mobile technology is taking the world by storm. It has become extremely important for websites to stay become mobile friendly, to ensure their online presence. To help the site owners resolve the mobile usability issues, Google launched the Mobile Usability report on the new Search Console. Issue names are the same as in the old report but we now allow users to submit a validation and re-indexing request when an issue is fixed, similar to other reports in the new Search Console.
Site and User Management
Google has recently upgraded the ability of adding and verifying new sites, and managing users and permissions to a property. This feature has been added to make the search console more user-friendly, that can been accessed from the settings page of the new Search Console interface.