Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing, and link building. Take a look at them, and we are sure you will love going through them.
Content Marketing
How to Create Useful Blog Content That’ll Get You Noticed
A blog can help any site. The best place to start is by thinking about what you do or sell, and we recommend using layman’s terms if it’s a little more niche or complicated. Come up with words relevant for your brand; once done, put them in the search volume tool to see interest around those keywords/phrases. Read this fantastic piece by Stacey Cavagnetto to gain some insights for writing helpful blog content.
What Type Of Content Should You Post On LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is an online social media network designed to help individuals get in touch with people who work at different companies or organizations worldwide. When you’re posting to LinkedIn, the content of your post needs to be informative. It should provide value through helpful information – not just by telling users what is happening with your company or career path. Let us know how this post expanded your knowledge.
How to Calculate Your SEO ROI Using Google Analytics
The most important thing you can do is measure your return on investment (ROI) when it comes to SEO. This involves two factors: Key Performance Indicators and the cost of your current campaigns. Tracking these key metrics monthly enables you to tweak them will optimize strategies and make educated business decisions. When discussing ROI, page value is an essential factor to consider. In this post, Adriana Stein shares her useful views on calculating your SEO ROI using Google analytics.
4 Great Ways To Master Local SEO
As more and more people turn to their phones for help finding a store near them, the importance of location-specific pages is growing. 72% of those who searched on Google visited within five miles, which clearly shows how important it is. It’s one of the most important aspects of local SEO, and failing to include it in your SEO strategy can make you lose sales and affect your conversions. To know more great ways to master local SEO, read this Syed Balkhi post.
Using SEO to Inform Your Website Content Strategy
As a business owner, you need to use good search engine optimization (SEO), which attracts organic traffic from Google. To do good keyword research, take stock of your own website using Google Analytics. Analyze what keywords are bringing people to the site and which pages lead to conversions. You will also want to take a look at your competition and see what keywords they’re using to get an idea of how the competitive keyword landscape looks like. To learn more about this topic, read this post by Susan Friesen.
Social Media Marketing
Essential Social Media Marketing Tips to Master
When it comes to social media, some businesses try being hyper-present on every platform. This is a mistake because there are more important things for you to focus on as an entrepreneur. It’s best just to choose the platforms where your target audience spends time and stick with those only. Your social media account should have a tone of voice that represents your company’s unique personality. Continue reading if you want to learn important social media marketing tips to master.
How to Grow Your Business With Social Media Contests
Do you need to boost your brand awareness and grow your social media presence? Running contests is one way. Give away products, services, or swag for more social media viewers, plus drive traffic to the website. Entering a contest on your social media profile brings in new followers. You can get the word out by asking current followers to share it or have entrants tag friends as part of your contest terms. Read this post by Haley Walden to learn how to use social media contests to grow your business.
Email Marketing
How to Utilize Consumer Insights For Email Marketing
Emails are an effective tool for marketers to engage with their audiences and get their message in front of the right people. Customer insights can help you improve the effectiveness of your email marketing. When you create your customer input, prioritize topics and content based on what current customers would be interested in seeing. Read this post to learn how to use customer insights to improve your email marketing.
Email Marketing: Still a Customer Engagement Workhorse
Email marketing is the best method of direct response because users have raised their hands and actively opted to hear from you. They are more willing to open their emails to learn about new products or personalized offers based on recent purchase history. Email marketing is a valuable tool for enticing new customers or reengaging with the existing base. While not every global consumer has social media account, it’s a safe bet they have an email address. This post by Meagan White shares useful email marketing tips.
Link Building
Internal Linking for SEO: A Detailed Guide for 2021
Internal links are often neglected, but they can make a big difference when it comes to being found by users and search engine crawlers. Google crawlers rely on the anchor text to understand what a web page is about. When you add a link to another web page on your website, it helps that page improve its chances of ranking higher in search engines like Google. Read on to find out what this interesting post by Romain Brabant is all about.