Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 28th February 2020!

Content Marketing

2021 B2C Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends

Most of the B2C content marketers felt their organization made quick and effective pandemic-related changes and expect the changes they made to stay in effect for the foreseeable future. When asked to select the top five content marketing areas they thought their companies would invest in during 2021, 61% said content creation, 54% said social media management/community building and 53% said website enhancements. For more information, read this post by Ayaz Nanji. 

7 Effective Content Marketing Ideas To Grow Your Online Business

Marketing your service or product and generating demand is one of the biggest challenges new businesses face. That is where content marketing can prove to be the difference between a successful business and one that fights to stay afloat. Email newsletters, Magazines, Instructions and product guides are some great way to start generating great content. Nicole Botello talks about the effective content marketing ideas that can help to grow your online business in this post.



E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. E-A-T for Local SEO is a set of attributes a search engine might use to evaluate a local business entity’s prominence, proximity, and relevance to rank it for a particular search query. These will help your website to become a trusted resource for users. Read this post by Andrew Shotland to know more about E-A-T local for SEO.

Google December 2020 Core Update Analysis: What to Do Now?

Google has introduced its second big update of the year after Google’s May 2020 Update. This update has made most rankings to go up and down, leaving some websites in so much trouble.  This new update has hit websites differently. Some websites which had lost traffic in the May core update gained in this update and some websites which had recovered from the May core update lost traffic again. Read this post by Navneet Kaushal to know what to do now if a website has been hit by Google December 2020 core update.

New Website SEO: 6 Steps To Future Success 

Today’s businesses need an active and engaging website in order to more effectively reach their goals and fulfill their ultimate mission. 53% of website traffic comes from organic search. If you cannot attract them, you’re missing out on a large source of potential customers. This post is written by David McElveen that highlights six steps which you need to follow for effective new website SEO. 

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Trends You Need to Understand in 2021

Social media marketing is one of the most important marketing strategies for businesses. Many brands are spending their money on social ads because consumers feel more comfortable shopping online, especially via social platforms. This ad, when combining with Facebook’s personalized ads, gives you the opportunity for serious targeting. Read this post by Lindsay Pietroluongo to know more about the 2021 social media trends. 

Successful Brand Reputation Management on Social Media: Guide

Your online reputation determines how others perceive your business when they search for it online. Consequently, online reputation management proactively influences what information user will find. By managing your online reputation, you can build a good reputation, beat the competition, deal with negative press and much more. Thomas Lanigan writes this post about the successful brand reputation management on social media. 

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a top tactic – but doing it well remains a challenge

Email marketing seems easy enough, right? Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Email marketing is an effective way to market for great returns, but it does come with its own set of unique challenges. For B2B, email marketing is about building awareness and sharing relevant content with the intent of getting you to try or buy their solution. In this post, Barb Mosher Zinck shared essential information about email marketing.

Optimize Your Emails to Render Flawlessly in Dark Mode

The tech industry is buzzing with these two words “Dark Mode”, and email marketing is no exception. Apple added Dark Mode in 2018 to its desktop email client. The following year, Dark Mode came to iOS Mail and other industry also heavyweights, including Gmail that announced Dark Mode support. Read this useful post by Kevin George to know how you can optimize your emails to render flawlessly in dark mode.

Link Building

Internal and External Links in SEO: Why Are They Important?

Internal links are hyperlinks that direct the viewer to a target page on your website. In contrast, an external link is a hyperlink that directs the reader to a reputable page on a different website. Using relevant internal and external links on your website will ultimately improve your website’s search visibility and rank. Internal links on a web page will help a reader stay engaged with your website longer. Knowing more about link structure from this post by Patrick Watt can help your content appear higher in the rankings.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.