Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing, and link building. Take a look at them, and we are sure you will love going through them.

Content Marketing

What Is First Contentful Paint? + An Action Plan to Improve It

First Contentful Paint (FCP) is the time it takes for a user to see their first content on any given website. It assesses how users perceive the page load speed by evaluating what people perceive rather than the findings of a speed test tool. FCP can be assessed in the laboratory (before release) and the field (real-world users). This post by Katrina Kirsch discusses First Contentful Paint.

5 Ways to Boost Your Content Marketing with Emotions

Social media is a place where people go to get emotional. When done right, emotionally compelling content can result in increased dwell time and heightened levels of user involvement on your website or social network profile pages (and companies know this). It’s important to have an emotional connection with your customers. If they’re not feeling what you are marketing, then it will look just as generic and disconnected from any human emotion, which everyone wants to avoid in this day of social media-driven media-driven business. Read this post by Syed Balkhi to know some ways to boost your content marketing with emotions.


2021 Local SEO Holiday Success: A Ready Response for Each Customer

67% of customers are more dedicated to purchasing small than before the epidemic, and 91% choose SMBs because they trust these firms to treat them fairly. Any local company you promote can do a better job than Walmart at demonstrating that you listen to your customers’ wants and problems by responding to their evaluations as soon and compassionately as feasible. Read this post by Miriam Ellis to get more insights about the topic.

3 Reasons to Pay Attention to SEO Marketing for Your Brand

It is a well-known fact that many people use major search engines like Google and Bing to discover new brands. With Moz’s findings, it seems as though “66% of distinct search queries resulted in one or more clicks on Googles’ results.” If your company is new to SEO, you should connect your URL to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. In this post, Evan Nison shares three reasons to pay attention to SEO marketing for your brand.

How to Perform in SEO with a Website Automatic Translation

It has been found that automated translations are not always searched engine friendly. This means if you want your website to be successful internationally, then SEO should be at the top of everyone’s priority list. Translating content into different languages and ensuring you have an optimized output tone in the appropriate language will help make sure that when people search on Google, they can find the site easily. This post discusses how to perform in SEO by using a website’s automatic translation.

Social Media Marketing

Going Local: Why Franchisees Shouldn’t Rely on Parent Brands’ Social Media Marketing

A franchisee should not rely solely on the parent brand’s social media marketing to drive business. It is important for them also use their own voice, engage customers, and build a strong online presence that will benefit both parties in many ways. The best way to show your customers and staff how much they matter is by capturing moments of their lives. Stay updated by addressing current events (such as the pandemic) and subjects of interest to your audience. Read Karen Spaeder’s post to discover more about why franchisees should not rely on the parent brand’s social media promotion.

Tricks to Keep Your Social Media Marketing on Top

The attention span of netizens is only for a few seconds. When you do not appeal, there’s no way that people will be interested in what your company has to offer and how it can benefit them or their business interests. You need creativity and fascination with whatever marketing campaign strategy you implement if high-quality results are going to follow suit. This informative post share tricks to keep your social media marketing on top.

Email Marketing

11 Email Marketing KPIs to Live By

To measure the success of an email campaign, you should know what metrics are important. For example: did people open your emails? Did they click on any links or attachments in those emails? If not, it may be time to think about changing up how often and when these messages get sent out because there could still be some room for improvement despite their effectiveness otherwise. Read this post to learn 11 email marketing KPIs to live by.

How to Leverage AI to Optimize Your Email Marketing Strategy

Email is a powerful and convenient way to communicate. The subject line can make or break an email, with more than 35% of users opening emails based on their initial impressions from this small piece of text. By 2023, it is expected that there will be more than 4.3 billion email subscribers globally. You may use AI to improve your subject, body text, and CTA. Read this engaging post by Brian Wallace to unfold more about email marketing strategy.

Link Building

5 Link Building Ideas for Ecommerce Websites

Link building is the best way to advertise your business, but it’s not easy. To start, you should publish content about services on other relevant websites and give value to readers with hard work that will get rewarded in return. Many publishing platforms permit companies to include a few links in their articles and blogs. You may use this as a chance to attract more visitors and followers to your website. Read this post by Debora Marcus to know five link-building ideas for ecommerce websites.  


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.