Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 28th February 2020!

Content Marketing

How & Why You Should Create a Niche Knowledge Base for Content Marketing

Creating an ultimate knowledge graph is a good idea to help you reach your goal and establish your brand as a niche information hub, get ranked for thousands of informational queries, and diversify rankings. Creating sales enablement content helps teams close more deals without having to send leads elsewhere. To further gain knowledge on this topic, read what Ann Smarty has written in her post.

9 Examples of Ebooks that Convert Like Crazy

Have you been collecting Ebooks for a while and thought these downloads are the most important things you ever needed? We are sure they have been in your inbox for a while now, and you don’t know what to do with them. Well, you don’t know that those Ebooks have a lot of value to all the brands out there! It can help you generate leads and get on top in just a few months but, do you know how to do it? Read this fantastic post drafted by Michael Brenner, and make sure to use those dusty records wisely(Wink!).


Magento SEO: The Guide to Optimizing Magento Websites

Magento is a powerful and robust e-commerce platform that has helped many companies start their own online business. The enterprise sites using Magento include American Express, Ford, Puma, Xerox etc. All of which are popular brands with enthusiastic audiences eager to make purchases from them. It’s also important for SEOs in the e-commerce space to be aware of how easily they can work with Magento as it includes features like good links management out of the box (such as canonical URLs). Read this fantastic writing piece written by Christopher long to gain all the knowledge you need to optimize your Magento site for SEO.

The Roadmap to B2B SEO Success

When working for a B2B-focused agency, one must navigate the complex landscape of marketing. The best way to succeed is by following these steps in your SEO strategy. It can be hard work, but Austin Peachey has created this post with his team’s experience that will help guide you on what needs to happen before it does not matter how impressive your company or product is if no one finds them online!

6 Easy SEO Tips to Help Rank Your New Blog on WordPress

Search engine traffic is one of the most crucial things for all the new aged bloggers today. It’s something they want so bad but can’t get near to it. We understand how difficult it can be when you want something so bad, so here is Elias post that will help you get six easy tips to help rank your new blog on WordPress.

Social media marketing

Why Is Social Media Management Important For Business Marketing?

Social media has become part of every company’s digital marketing strategy – however, it can be tedious carrying out this important aspect through many different outlets alone. Luckily there are several tools available today to make things easier! Let us know what this blog post has to add to your knowledge.

Copywriting for Social Media: 7 Tips to Boost Engagement

Copywriting is an essential part of a digital marketing strategy beyond product visuals, video design, graphic design and brand aesthetics. It’s what compels people in following their customer journey with compelling content. When building email lists or directing users towards websites through promotional graphics – such as banner ads, adding more than one type creates higher chances they’ll click on at least once because not everyone clicks when using just words alone. Interested to know more about it? Haley Walden is ready to take you on an informative journey.

Email Marketing

10 Free Email Marketing Tools for Success and Time-Savings

You want your email to be so good that it never makes its way into the spam folder. For that, you need an engaged audience, which means sending out emails at key moments or with compelling content – like when they sign up for your newsletter and even if someone is only browsing around their social media feeds. These free email marketing tools mentioned by Kelsey Johnson are here to make your work a lot easier and attractive!

Incorporating Triggered Emails in Your Marketing Strategy: A Simple Guide

You might be receiving a bunch of automated messages and triggered emails. These are specially timed and crafted to your needs when they happen. You’ll need to first set up these triggers before anything happens so that it can send you the perfect email at just the right time – like if you miss an appointment or forget something important! Read what Susanna Gebauer has to say about this hot topic.

Link Building

Most Promising Link Building Strategies That Works

Link building is one of the most powerful and challenging parts of SEO. Backlinks help you gain Google trust, which is why they are such a significant ranking factor in today’s landscape. However, it can be hard to figure out how to build backlinks when there are so many strategies that work! In this post, you will learn what beginners need to know about link-building strategy before getting started crafting their plan for success!


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.