Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 28th February 2020!

Content Marketing

Content Marketing Metrics That Matter to Your B2C Business

Content marketing is a tactic used across industries to create awareness and educate audiences, but many organizations are still figuring out how to measure success truly. Before you start analyzing your performance, spend some time identifying your goals and objectives. The metrics you should focus on are social engagement, website traffic, conversion rate and more. Read this post by Dallin Porter that shares content marketing metrics that matter to your B2C business. 

Content Marketing Can Enhance Your Salespeople’s Personal Brands

According to LinkedIn, decision-makers read about 10 pieces of content before buying any products and services. One of the first things to address when building your personal brand is to understand your target audience. For your personal brand to be effective, you must invest time and effort in creating and maintaining a solid profile. In this post, Natalie Stezovsky talks about how content marketing can enhance your salespeople’s personal brands. 


Long Tail SEO in 2021: How You Can Have It All or Die Trying 

Long-tail SEO is a technique for generating high-value organic website traffic. It targets long-tail keywords, which are search terms that consist of three or more words. A long-tail SEO strategy focuses on targeting long-tail keywords and optimizing your website for those keywords. This strategy provides a smarter focus — you are optimizing your website for target keywords that offer the most value to your business. Read this post by Dr. Peter J. Meyers to know more about long-tail SEO in 2021. 

SEO Strategies for Small Businesses

Investing in organic SEO is a crucial strategy to build a successful small business both online and offline. A solid SEO strategy will help you occupy new corners of your market and build awareness around your product, service or brand. Having a website isn’t enough; you need to ensure that it is highly optimized for technical SEO and conversion. Read this post by Mysson Victor that discusses small strategies for small businesses. 

The 2 keys to good local SEO 

You can increase your business’ ROI by establishing a solid local SEO strategy. For some companies, an effective SEO strategy for local business is the key factor for gaining revenue from high converting traffic. Google My Business has been instrumental in driving consumers to a local business. Link building is also extremely important for both local SEO and SEO in general. This post by Mauricio Luque talks about the 2 keys to good local SEO.

Social Media Marketing

Top 10 Trending Social Media Management Tools For Your Business 

Marketers know that social media is an overwhelming and important part of every single campaign they run. Without the right marketing strategy or tool in place, strategizing and maintaining even a few social networks can be a challenging job. Buffer is the most popular social media management tool used by various companies across the globe. Read this informative post to learn more about social media management tools for your business.

How Can Social Media Management Help You Establish Your Online Presence? 

We have entered the new digital world. There is no doubt that in the current time, taking your business online is not just an option but a necessity. However, making an online presence is more than just creating a platform that customers can visit. In order to grow your business, brand image, increase brand awareness, you need to do things right. Read this useful post that can help you to establish your presence online. 

Email Marketing

How to Grow Your Email List with Instagram 

Whether you have noticed or not, Instagram is on the rise. 81% of businesses use email marketing to expand their business with customer acquisition and retention. With over 1 billion Instagram users, this platform offers the best ways to find your audience and grab them in your funnel with emails. Read this informative post to gain more insights on how to grow an email list with Instagram. 

Email Marketing Trends 2021: Are You Ready to Overhaul Your Email Strategy? 

Email marketing uses email to promote products or services while developing relationships with potential customers or clients. Employ AMP in emails to create interactive emails that allow users to complete an action from the email itself. Send emails that reflect sensitivity is the need of the hour. Add visual in email marketing to stand out in the subscriber’s inbox. This Kevin George post shares email marketing trends in 2021.

Link Building

What are the Makings of a High-Quality Link? 

Despite various algorithm updates, link building still remains one of the strongest ranking signals used by search engines. You should start with page relevance. The key thing to keep in mind is your target audience for your product or your service. What types of pages would be relevant to them. What kind of content would they want to read? Read this post by Paddy Moogan to know the making of a high-quality link. 


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.