Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 28th February 2020!

Content Marketing

Why Guest Posting Isn’t the Answer in 2020

Guest blogging is no longer about producing content that can create a bunch of backlinks for your SEO. Without its help, you can effectively boost your SEO to achieve growth. For this, you need to focus on other cost-effective strategies first. You can create natural links to your site so that when your audience visits your website, they found valuable content. Also, use MozBar, a Chrome extension, to find the domain authority to see if the site is even worth your guest blogging time. Read this informative post by Aaron Agius to know why guest posting isn’t the answer in 2020.


An opinionated content can help to establish the reputation of your company. The main goal of content marketing is to help your customers by navigating them their real issues. When you deal and value customer problems, then your opinion ring right to their perspective. Therefore, this way, you can earn their loyalty for years to come. Read this post by Michael Brenner to know why you should do opinionated content marketing.


Why SEO & Influence are Critical to Pandemic Era Content Marketing

According to research, 63 % of marketers say that SEO is become the most crucial marketing tactic during the pandemic to generate lead and sales. B2B marketers are more emphasizing on their SEO in the current time when field marketing and experiential marketing are no longer a better option. So, create useful and valuable content for marketing, especially in engaging formats according to your customers need. Read this informative post by Lee Odden to know the importance of SEO & influence are essential for content marketing during the pandemic era.

Google May 2020 Core Update Analysis – Business 2 Community

During the COVID-19 crisis, various industries such as travel, health, real estate, finance, etc. have been badly affected. Some sites that offer multiple language searches were also affected by the update. According to an update, health sites were among the one that affected most. On the other hand, some health-related websites also saw an updated increase in their traffic to 30%. However, this update has seen an unpredictable change in the ranking of many sites. Read this informative post by Navneet Kaushal to know more about Google May 2020 core updated analysis.

How to implement local SEO

Local SEO is beneficial for local businesses as it helps their web pages to appear higher in the search engine’s results. It involves using various strategies to conciliate Google algorithm. It generally helps to determine in which order your pages will appear to someone. When you search something on Google, they will receive results from various locations, but only if the device location services are on. In this insightful post, Gabriel Swain highlights how to implement local SEO.

Social Media Marketing

Beyond Vanity Metrics: Measuring Social Media Success

In a study conducted by Hubspot, it was found that 74% of global marketers invest in social media marketing. But it’s important to know about its range of metrics to run campaigns more effectively. If you see, there are lots of various parameters for social media platforms, so you need to identify which metrics are best for your campaign goal. This will enhance the progress of your overall campaign purpose. Read this post by Kaya Ismail to know some steps you can take to measure social media success.

30 Social Media Statistics Every Marketer Should Know

Social media has become an integral part of communication for marketing. There a lot of users on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook. Globally 45% population use social media platform to research products and gain other information. Statistics provide your all-access pass to your audience’s thoughts and behavior. This indicates that you can serve them what they want instead of what you think they may need. In this post, Darren Griffin tells you about social media statistics for marketing.

Email Marketing

COVID-19 and Email Marketing: What to Do When Reopening Is on the Horizon

The entire world is currently dealing with COVID-19 and its repercussions. In this situation, email marketing is a direct and measurable medium to make it stand out among other messages and content. At the time of delivering the message, make sure that your subject line is carefully worded with a determined and empathetic tone. Similarly, mention the causes you are supporting and ask them how your product or service would help them during the current scenario. In this post, Natasa Djukanovic explains some steps related to email marketing which you can take during a crisis.

How To Sophisticate Your Email Marketing with Custom Fields

Every marketer should know that email marketing is more than just collecting emails. Some email marketing tools allow you to create sophisticated automation that helps you to create a better segment for your subscribers. Similarly, the radio button Custom Field is also useful to locate whenever you need to present multiple and predefined options to visitors. Read this post by Matt to know how to sophisticate your email marketing with a custom field.

Link Building

8 B2B Link-Building Strategies That Never Go Out of Style

A link building strategy is vital for reaching SEO success. There are many different approaches you can take towards building your SEO strategy. With guest blogging, you can make several links back to our site. Another is linkable assets; it is a piece of content that is specially created to attract links from other relevant websites. It will help to keep users on your site for a longer time to increase engagement and give you the chance to earn links. Read this post by Alex Tachalova to know more about link building strategies that never go out of style.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.