Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 28th February 2020!

Content Marketing

How to Build a Content Library That Grows Your Business

Content marketing is all the rage these days and for a good reason. You should know why more in-depth content is better because it’s more useful and establishes your authority. Once you satisfied customers with your content, they are more likely to explore further, subscribe, and buy your products or services. Read more about this post written by Daniel Ndukwu, who shares some tips on building a content library that grows your business.

7 ways to update your content marketing strategy

Content marketing strategy is a more refined, subtle and delicate form of getting your point across to potential clients or customers and raising brand awareness. In today’s times, most companies regard content as the most critical business asset. You need to update content formats, apply niche blog strategy, and create User Generate Content (UGC) and more. Check out this post by to know the best ways to update your content marketing strategy.


SEO Tips That Are Still Relevant in 2021 

Do you want to know what SEO strategies and tactics will work and help you to earn more revenue in 2021? So, you can consider using an SEO company that can make your website more popular, not one that promises to get your website on the first page of Google. Also, use meta tags like meta descriptions, meta keywords, ALT text, and so forth. In this post by Jacob Maslow talks about some essential SEO tips that are still relevant in 2021.

12-Point SEO Checklist for 2021 

Are you looking for an SEO checklist that will help you to increase your website’s organic traffic and rank on Google? Then you have found it. Checking and optimizing meta tags are the essential part of any SEO checklist as it includes the most important ranking factors: the title tag. You also need to note that duplicate content should not be included in any piece of content. Read this post by Sean Si to know more about the SEO checklist for 2021.

How to Use Big Data to Improve SEO

There have been many talks going around the value of big data and its impact on the SEO.  Most of the SEO practices depend on large quantities of data, which is nothing but big data. For example, if your content is performing well organically, it might be a good idea to turn it into a lead magnet and promote it all over your website. Check this informative post by Pamela Orange to know some ideas on how to use big data to improve SEO.

Social Media Marketing

4 Mistakes in Social Media Marketing That May Come Back to Haunt You

Social media has made it easier for small to large scale businesses to reach out to their audience. When used correctly, this platform can bring plenty of benefits to the table. However, mistakes can do the opposite and result in the kind of fallout that could take your business years to dig itself out of.  Some mistakes in your social media marketing management, which can come back and haunt you in the latter stages are lack of interactivity, absence of creativity, negative comments and undefined objectives. Read this useful post to know more about social media marketing mistakes that may come back to haunt you.

How Brands Leverage with Social Media Stories to Grow Their Business?

Social Media is a great way to digitally interact with your target market 24/7, which offers you the opportunity to create a loyal community for your brand. Don’t be a brand that seems cold and distant to its audience. Try to engage your audience actively with your stories and make a principle of your event alive. Prepare a newsletter of your stories and promote it which helps you engage with your customers effectively. In this post Onpassive highlights some crucial strategies to create creative stories.

Email Marketing

How to Build Out Your Brand’s Email List (and Do It Ethically)

The current competitive landscape dictates that to survive, you must keep growing. And so businesses employ all sorts of email strategies and tactics to sustain this growth. An email list gives you direct access to the people who want to hear from your business. Try to keep things short and sweet. Also, use links and calls to action that direct readers back to your website if they are interested in reading more information. Check this post by Carol Sankar to gather some tips and ideas for building a brand’s email list.

Attributing Sales to Email Marketing Is Not Always Easy

Do you measure the impact of your email efforts? Then, you must know about email marketing attribution, which is a perfect way to assign credit to channels or touchpoints within your sales and marketing funnel. Tracking the return-on-investment (ROI) of these touchpoints allows marketers to see which channels are the most valuable. Read this post by Carolyn Nye to know more about email marketing attribution.  

Link Building

6 Smart Ways To Tell Good Link Building Services From The Bad Ones 

Nowadays, the best SEO agencies no longer build links solely to rank at the top of Google and other search engines – there’s far more to it than chasing the top spot.  Instead, any agency worth their salt will focus their link building efforts upon improving a company’s brand name and exposure. For the sake of your business and your website, make sure you or your agency is doing a good job with your link building.  Check out this post by Ivan Widjaya that shares some smart ways to tell good link building services from the bad ones.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.