Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 28th February 2020!

Content Marketing

6 B2B Content Marketing Summertime Sizzlers To Increase Audience Engagement

B2B content marketers should ensure they’re providing their audience with engaging content that keeps them entertained. When you plan to go live, you should consider hiring a host to help keep the conversation going inflow. You don’t need to create an immersive VR experience to catch people’s attention, either — add a few touches of animation, interactivity, and sound can go a long way. Read this post by Joshua Nite that talk about the best B2B content marketing summertime sizzlers. 

How Long Should a Blog Post Be? 

How long should your blog post be? That is a question that every blogger has asked themselves at least once in their blogging career. In 2021, you need to strike a balance between how many keywords you put into your post, the length, readability, and the value that you provide your reader. Your blog posts should include images with alt tags, media-rich content, targeting the right keywords and more. In this post, Elna shares her opinions on how long should a blog post be. 


How to Use Markup for Your E-Commerce Sites markup is a type of code that can help you describe your e-commerce site on the internet and make it easier for search engines to find what they’re looking for, which in turn makes it more likely those sites will pop up near the top when people are searching. Three main ways of structuring your Schemas are Microdata, JSON-LD, and RDFa. It structures data in an organized, easy-to-understand way so that people can find what they need faster than ever before. This David Darnes post shares ways to use markup for your e-commerce sites.

5 Critical Metrics to Track Your Website’ Health 

In order to create a website that will be successful, the owners must monitor and track certain critical metrics. This data can help them understand how their visitors interact with the site, so they know what changes need to be made in response. First, you should track the most common location your visitors are from. Next, determine what the keywords and key phrases people use to find your website are. Read this Syed Balkhi post to know what critical metrics you need to track your website’s health. 

Search Engine Optimization & Social Media: How to Leverage Both for a Better Business 

Search Engine Optimization and Social Media are two powerful tools that any business owner should be aware of. First, build a solid content strategy customized to suit your target audience’s tastes and business. Moreover, if you want to rank your web pages on top in search results, ensure a well-defined Metadata strategy for each page of your business website. In this post, you will know some strategies and how to leverage both for a better business. 

Social Media Marketing

How to Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts for Your Agency Without Stressing Out 

If you are a social media manager for your agency, it can be challenging to manage all different accounts. A social media management solution like Agorapulse helps multiple client accounts–at least 10 with any paid plan. Develop separate groups for each client and organize the profiles the way you like. Read this post by Anna Sonnenberg shares some ideas which can help to manage multiple social media accounts for your agency. 

The Business Side of Social Media 

Social media has been making waves in the past decade, and it’s a trend that continues to evolve every day. It allows a business to ways to meet the customers and their specific demands. Customers have questions, and they want some solutions quickly. In addition, it has a global reach that allows a business to connect with people all around the world. In this post, Mary Smith talks about the business side of social media. 

Email Marketing

How To Work With Influencers Through Email Marketing 

Email marketing can be a great way to work with influencers. The best way for them to do this is by sending out emails about brands they love because then consumers become interested in purchasing the products, too, since there’s someone else vouching for it now. Moreover, 71% of marketers rate customers’ quality and traffic from influencer marketing as better than other marketing channels. This Marvellous Aham-adi post tells you some ways on how to work with influencers through email marketing.   

The Best Ways to Stop Losing Email Subscribers 

Do you feel like email subscribers are slipping away from your grasp? First, you need to understand why your subscribers are losing email subscribers. Another reason for losing email subscribers is people unsubscribe for reasons they can’t easily identify. The next common reason for people unsubscribing is poor communication. Ensure you are constantly communicating with your subscribers. Read this useful post to know some ways to stop losing email subscribers. 

Link Building

How To Build Backlinks to Your Affiliate Site in 2021 

The way that websites rank for keywords may be on their last legs, and if you want your site to show up when somebody searches, it’s time to start building backlinks now. It’s essential to build a successful backlink campaign for affiliates. First, you should revise your website design and make it trendier. Then, create valuable and shareable content that will allow you to get backlinks each time someone else comes across your content. Read this post by Marie Barnes on how to build backlinks to your affiliate site in 2021. 


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.