Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing, and link building. Take a look at them, and we are sure you will love going through them.

Content Marketing
When Trends Change: 360 Degree Content Marketing Performance Analysis
If you want to stay ahead of the curve, an in-depth analysis should be done before deciding on any changes. Without competitor information or false assumptions, anyone can make decisions that will ultimately hinder your business’ success. When Visibility drops, it’s important to consider three key factors: Website up-time and performance; Google ranking position in search results for relevant keywords or phrases and Competitors. Read this post by Steve Paine to gain more insights about the topic.
Why Social Sharing is the World’s Most Awesome Content Marketing Metric
There are many benefits of social sharing, including when people share your Content. They are making a statement to the world about their support for whatever it is. First off, this sends out an important message on behalf of you and what’s being shared with them. Social media is a powerful tool for marketers. People are more likely to buy products because of what they see their friends sharing on social media than anything else; 75% say so themselves. This post by Mark Schaefer tells the business benefits of social sharing.
4 Ways to Revive Your SEO Strategy Quickly and Thrive Online
It is critical to pay attention to your SEO, including all of the metrics and techniques required to rank well on search engines. Because there are millions of websites on the internet today, you should strive to be among the top results or landing pages to continue to drive visitors to your site. The most important thing you can do is to publish relevant content. This means all of your website’s future Content should be appropriate, exciting, and current in today’s time. This post by Lisa shares some ways to help you revive your SEO strategy quickly and thrive online.
SEO Meta Tags: The Ultimate Guide
The three types of Meta tags that you should know about are the Meta Title Tag, which replaces and sets a title for your web page. The Meta Description tag provides an overview or summary of what it’s all about on one line so users can easily decide if they want to click through; finally, there are Meta Robots Tags. These instruct search engine crawlers how to crawl through your site, blocking them from certain areas and allowing others to crawl freely. Read this post by Sean Si to know more about SEO Meta Tags.
Are You Having SEO Problems? Take a Look at These 8 Google Penalty Checker Tool
A Google penalty is like a death sentence for your website. Search engine results will no longer show you anywhere when they are imposed, and traffic to your site can drop off dramatically. Most digital marketers who practice only white hat tactics should never worry about being penalized by Google. However, those that stray from the path and engage in things like sneaky redirects or cloaked images really need to be worried about it happening because they are putting themselves at risk. This informative post by rock content shares the eight best Google penalty checker tools that you must check.
Social Media Marketing
7 Social Media Marketing Tools That Can Do Wonders for Your Business
Social media is a very popular platform in the internet world, and it is influencing an increasing number of people. Businesses are making good use of social media to influence people and grow their businesses. Crowdfire is a tool that helps you run your social media marketing campaign with ease and flexibility. With its features, users can easily schedule their posts and get them automatically posted on social media for increased engagement. This Deep Moteria post talks about different social media marketing tools that can do wonders for your business.
What Should Your Social Media Marketing Focus On: Customer service Or Content?
What distinguishes a brand as “best in class” in social media marketing? It’s a question that almost every business wants to know the answer to. Clients frequently inquire about what other businesses are doing in terms of social media marketing best practices. Companies want to learn and improve their social media marketing skills–even in 2021. Read this post to learn more about social media marketing.
Email Marketing
Ultimate Guide to Getting Started with Email Marketing for SMBs
Email marketing is one of the most strategic and cost-effective ways for small businesses to reach their target customers. It has been proven to be an extremely effective tool for SMBs looking for new clients. Ask your customers to subscribe to your email list through your online receipts or a simple “sign up list” next to a register or check-out desk. Allow them to opt-in by including a check box on your contact or order forms. Read this post by Carrie Hill to know how to get started with email marketing for SMBs.
The 6 Marketing Emails Your Brand Should Send
Welcome emails are a great way to introduce your brand to new customers. This email will let them get acquainted with what you do while also reminding previous buyers of the quality and service they can expect from you. Order emails are the unsung heroes of any e-commerce company. They inform customers about their order status, shipping information, and more so a customer never has to go digging through their inbox for it. This post by Angie Tran shares some best marketing mails your brand should send.
Link Building
What ‘Always-on Link Building’ is and Why it’s a Must for Your SEO and Marketing Strategy
The benefits of always-on link building are growing your traffic, increasing rankings, and generating more revenue. You’ll also be able to expand the reach of your Content. Time and relevance are critical components of a successful always-on strategy. The advantages of this technique are numerous, but there are a few things to keep in mind. To gain more information about this topic, read this useful post by Ariadna Gonzalez.