Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.
Content Marketing
8 Content Distribution Ideas to Meet Your Brand’s Goals
There are numerous factors which one needs to take into account for creating a content strategy in 2019. Alli Berry has shared eight major ideas of content distribution using which you can meet the goals of your brands. Have a look at her article to find out how these ideas of content distribution can help you to meet your brand’s long term goals.
Put up or shut up: Why it’s time to go all in on content marketing
Content marketing is one of the fastest growing segments of the advertising industry at present. Yet, there are still many companies which lack a documented content strategy. In this article, Lauren Quaintance explains why content marketing needs to be taken seriously to achieve long-term objectives of digital marketing campaigns.
Topical SEO: 7 Concepts of Link Relevance & Google Rankings
Link building is an integral part of any SEO campaign. Major search engines like Google use links to determine the SERP rankings of websites.
In this article, Cyrus Shepard discusses about a number of link building strategies which you can use to improve your site’s rankings.
How to Find and Fill a Content Gap for SEO and UX
To deliver ideas and create relevant content, you need to focus on the user and SEO experience. The presence of a detailed process is essential for selecting topics around in-demand content and for optimizing existing content. In this article, Pat Ahern explains how you can find and fill the gap in content for SEO and UX.
10 Recurring SEO Health Checks You Need to Be Doing
Achieving high SERP rankings and retaining them requires a lot of hard work. Performing a systematic review of onsite work can help you detect areas where major issues can crop up. In his article, Luke Budka has discussed the major health checks you need to be doing to find out those areas where you need to improve.
Social Media Marketing
3 Analytics Tools That Help Measure Your Marketing Results
Are you in search of better ways of analyzing your activities on social media? In this article, Aleh Barysevich discusses the major tools which you can use to measure the results of your social media campaigns effectively.
Social Media Habits That Will Help Your Brand Thrive
Brands do not achieve virality on social media platforms suddenly. To succeed in social media, it is essential for brands to practice some good habits. In this article, Rhett Power discusses in detail the social media habits which can help brands to become major influencers on social media.
Email Marketing
What Amazon Can Teach You About Email Marketing: 4 Key Lessons
Amazon is a name to be reckoned with in the e-commerce industry. In this article, Robert Mening talks about the four lessons which businesses of all sizes can learn from Amazon when it comes to email marketing.
How to Get Started with Data-Driven Email Marketing
The emergence of new methods like social media marketing and content marketing in recent years has enabled digital marketing to grow. But businesses still rely on email marketing to get a recurring ROI. In this article, Daniel Bishop explains the various steps you need to follow to make your email marketing process data-driven.
Link Building
Why link detoxing is just as important as link building
Having good backlinks is essential for any website to improve its organic search rankings and online visibility. In your attempt to acquire a lot of backlinks, you may end up making your site vulnerable to backlinks. In this article, Smart Insights explains how you can identify backlinks and remove them.