Here we come again with our list of this week's best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 11th November, 2016!

Content Marketing

9 Definitions: How Content Marketing Works Within Marketing

One topic that generates a lot of interest on our blog is how content marketing relates to other disciplines. Readers want to understand how content marketing fits within their overall marketing plan, and you have written about this topic over time. Content marketing is about attracting an audience to an experience that you own, build, and optimize to achieve your marketing objectives.

How to Justify Your Content Marketing Efforts and Prove It’s ROI

Content marketing is a long game. It’s not something that can help you become an overnight success. Sure, there are cases when a single blog post literally spread all over the web like wildfire, but that isn’t really content marketing. This sort of marketing technique is far more than that. It covers all sorts of different aspect that bulk up your brand awareness, stimulates user engagement, and influences your customers to create more conversions on your site.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO: To Drive Shoppers, Let the Bots In

You rely on search engines to drive shoppers to your sites to purchase your products. Before the shoppers can come, however, you have to let the bots in. It sounds more like science fiction than marketing, but everything in natural search depends upon search engines’ algorithms and their bots’ ability to collect information to feed into those algorithms.

The Scariest SEO Stories

It may be surprising, but many website owners are still struggling with basic SEO techniques. There are some technical on-page optimization issues that can be easily and quickly fixed, but if you don’t address them, these issues can significantly influence your overall search ranking. The term “keyword stuffing” has been around since the early days of SEO. It’s a shady technique that some website owners and SEOs use in order to manipulate their site’s search rankings for a particular keyword or phrase.

10 useful tools for writing compelling content for SEO

Do you need more evidence that SEO is the way to go when it comes to boosting the popularity of your website and your brand? When it comes to inbound marketing, no other technique can deliver the same results. Writing SEO content is the heart and soul of effective optimization but it’s far from an easy task. Various tools can be used to simplify the process and make it more effective.

Social Media

4 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Ad Results

Looking for ways to make your campaigns more cost-effective? Some simple tactics can help you maximize the performance of your Facebook campaigns, especially if you are on a tight budget. If your business is relatively new or has a small customer base, consider optimizing your campaign for multiple benefits simultaneously. Although this practice is not recommended for larger businesses that want to put all of their efforts into one objective, optimizing for several objectives can be effective for small budgets.

5 New Social Platform Features You Need to Know About

In the ever-evolving social media landscape, things are constantly in flux. New updates come, old best practices die out, and it can be difficult to stay on top of all the various ebbs and flows to ensure you remain aware of the key features and system changes that might be of benefit for you or your business. As part of our ongoing effort to provide you with the best coverage of the latest social media news and insights, you feel it’s important to cover all of these updates and tests – but sometimes they are not worthy of a their own individual post.

Email Marketing

Four Ways to Take Full Advantage of Email Marketing With Advanced Analytics

Conversion rates, clicks, and opens are just some of the metrics that email marketers spend ages analyzing and interpreting. Marketers frequently have the right tools to view this type of basic data regarding their campaigns, but they rarely go beyond such preliminary data to see more advanced information. Having the basic data in front of you is one thing, but acting upon the data and creating a new marketing strategy based on upper-level analytics is a step that all successful marketers have to take.

5 Direct Mail Mistakes Email Marketers Must Avoid

Although fewer and fewer marketers seem to dwell on direct mail these days, keep in mind that old-school snail mail represents the precursor to modern email marketing. There’s little doubt that email marketing is king; however, you should keep in mind that many of the tried-and-tested direct mail tricks of the past still work today via email. On the flip side, the many mistakes that direct mailers make could potentially be haunting your own email campaigns.

Link Building

Is Link Building Important for Your Website

The Art of SEO now in its third edition, and weighing in at nearly 1000 pages, is considered the Bible on search engine optimization. In all cases, you need to be in control of what shows up in those Google search results. So, links are the future, and until the AI takes over, you are still going to need to do link building.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.