Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 12th January 2018

Content Marketing:

6 Top Tools to Transform Your Content Marketing in 2018

In the digital age, the content marketing landscape is constantly changing and keeping up with latest tools can help to increase traffic, leads and revenue. Thomas Smale has shared six powerful content marketing tools to level up your content creation, scheduling and distribution in 2018.

The One Thing Killing Your Most Creative Content Ideas (and How to Stop It)

Bad pitches kill brilliant content marketing ideas. In this useful article by Carla Johnson, she has shared a complete guide on how to stop bad pitches from killing your best content ideas and how to build a framework for successful pitches. Read to know more.


What Google’s 2017 Algorithm Updates Can Teach You About SEO in 2018

Neil Patel writes, “As Google performs more algorithm updates to keep up with user behavior, we’ll start to see major shifts in how we do SEO”. He has shed light on how SEO industry will change in 2018 with Google’s 2017 Algorithm updates. Read on.

The importance of web hosting for SEO

Web Hosting is often unnoticed but plays important role in determining your website’s SEO rankings. Erika Alina has shared some of the main reasons responsible for how your web hosting company can either increase or decrease your search engine optimization efforts and lay out.

9 Predictions for SEO in 2018

The SEO landscape is constantly evolving and marketers need to adapt. Rand Fishkin has shared 9 predictions about how the year in SEO and web marketing would go in 2018. This one is a must read.

Social Media:

20+ Blogging, Video, and Podcasting Predictions for 2018 From the Pros

If you want to know where video, blogging, and podcasting are heading in 2018, check out the useful article by Lisa D. Jenkins. She has shared plenty of blogging, video and podcasting predictions for 2018 from the experts. Read on.

How to Create the Perfect Facebook Ad in Minutes

Recent studies show that Facebook ads are competitive with search and outperform other social media. Facebook ads can be highly profitable and there are countless ways to make them more effective. James Mulvey has shared lessons on how to create the perfect Facebook Ad in minutes.

Email Marketing:

The 8 Worst Ways to Introduce Yourself Over Email

You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Writing an introductory email can be nerve racking when there’s so much pressure to get the wording just right. Meg Prater has highlighted eight worst ways to introduce yourself over email, along with a few suggestions on what to say instead.

The 5 Worst Email Issues Facing Today’s Digital Marketers

Kari Embree writes “only 12 percent of marketers say they’re always meeting both customer and internal expectations”. She has shared top email issues faced by the marketers in today’s digital world. This one is a must read.

Link Building:

The Best Way to Build Links in 2018

If you want to rank better for organic search keywords, you need to focus on building links. Focusing your time and efforts on link building is important. Brian Sutter has shared some of the best ways to build links in 2018.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.