Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 17th August 2018

Content Marketing

4 Easy Ways To Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

Don’t let your efforts go in vain, apply a perfect content marketing strategy for building SEO, connection, trust and loyalty with your customers. Read the article by Jared Carrizales to learn the 4 exciting ways for improving your content marketing strategy.

31 Cringeworthy Content Marketing Things That Should Die

Ever imagined if you could eradicate one content marketing thing, what would it be? The answers are diverse. The article written by Ann Gynn presents 31 real cringeworthy content marketing things that you should stop using to make your content more effective.


Ranking the 6 Most Accurate Keyword Difficulty Tools

How well can keyword research tools predict where you will rank? This question arises whenever you have to choose a SEO Tool. Get the answer to this question in the article written by Jeff Baker. He has ranked the 6 most accurate keyword difficulty tools in his article.

How to Turn SEO Strategy into Action with Content Marketing

Struggling to soar your website on Google rankings? Matt Solar says, when you combine SEO with an excellent content marketing strategy, it causes your SEO rankings to soar. Read the article to turn SEO strategy into action with content marketing.

5 Basic SEO Principles to Increase Your Website Traffic

According to Mary Whitman, search engine optimization (SEO) is the cornerstone of every modern business. No matter what online business you pursue, you definitely need a unique SEO strategy to rank better from other competitors in the market. Read his article to learn 5 basic SEO principles to increase your website traffic.

Social Media Marketing

3 Low-Cost Video Tools for Social Media Marketers

Are you looking for video tools that are easy to use? Read the article by Alessandro Bogliari to discover the 3 low-cost video tools for social media marketers. The polished and eye-catchy videos can help you in gaining better social media marketing results.

5 Expert Social Media Marketing Tips From The Pros

Want to make your business a success? Social media marketing is an essential ingredient for successful online businesses. The article by Maxaudience Digital Agency discusses 5 expert social media marketing tips that you should use for the betterment of your business.

Email Marketing

10 Steps to Build Your First Email Marketing Automation Drip Campaign

Drip Campaigns empowers your email marketing efforts and increases the engagement and sales results, says Jaime Nacach. Read his article to learn the excellent 10 steps to build your first email marketing automation drip campaign and achieve your goals.

The Case for Email Marketing Metrics: Top 5 Best Practices

With the emergence of digital marketing, the importance of emails has increased even more. In order to gain better results, it is now necessary to apply unique email marketing tricks. In the article, Emma Mears explains the top 5 best email marketing practices.

Link BuildingSEO Broken Link Building as a Content Marketing Strategy

Do you know that a popular link-building tactic is also an excellent way to identify content marketing topics? Bringing link building and content marketing together generates more traffic, says Armando Roggio. Read the article to learn more tips and tricks for bringing them together.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.