Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.
Content Marketing:
5 Departments of Your Company That Need a Content Strategy
Kelsey Meyer writes, “Content starts with marketing, but it should never stop there.”. She has shard a quick and easy guide to the five important departments of your company that should definitely make use of content on a daily basis.
8 Ways to Create Thumb-Stopping Social Media Content
In this article Brooke writes, “It’s the holidays, which means ‘tis the season for your customers to buy stuff—and spend a lot of time on social media.” Thumb stopping content has two components: visual and copy. These keep customers from quickly swiping past your post and missing the message in it.
2018 SEO Predictions: The Future of SEO
This informative article by Propel Marketing & Design, Inc. Predicts the future of SEO in 2018. These are the actionable for every SEO in the coming year. While some SEO strategies remain tried-and-true, others are emerging due to factors like Google’s search algorithm changes and people’s search habits continually evolving.
70+ Best Free SEO Tools (As Voted-for by the SEO Community)
Joshua Harwick asked the SEO community to name their favorite free SEO tools and he received an insane response. He has split the suggestions in three categories, 15 well know tools, 38 lesser known tools and 19 “Freemium” tools. This one is a must read.
Search Engine Optimization Tips and Best Practices for 2018 (What Worked for You in 2017?)
Chris Raulf, in this article, asks the million dollar question, Are you SEO ready for 2018? He has shared the summary of what an SEO strategy could look like in 2018. A lot of these suggestions are based on what worked in 2017. Read on.
Social Media:
5 Ways to Nail Your Social Media Strategy
This useful article by Jonathan Lacoste shares five strategies that will help you build a great social media strategy. It’s important to capture the attention quickly and create value for your audience. He advises to share immersive content and be different in what you do.
This article by Inspiring Interns shares ten most important ingredients of a successful social media strategy. There are some ground rules to maximize the success of any social media strategy, without stumbling into any of the typical pitfalls along the way.
Email Marketing:
Experts Share Their Top 8 Holiday Email Marketing Tips for 2017
Holidays are around the corner and email marketers are working on the biggest email campaign of the year. Kevin George has shared what experts have to say about the email campaign for holidays. Read and prepare for the madness.
13 Practical Tips to Increase Your Email Response Rate by 320 Percent
Ben Raffi writes, improving the subject line improves the email open rates. Most companies keep working on messaging and call to action but their subject line remains untouched. Ben shares three ways to improve the email subject line. Read on.
Link Building:
An Inside Look at the Best SEO Strategy You’re Not Using: Second-Tier Link Building
We all know it, including links on your website, asking other sites for links to your pages, and creating content that is worthy of the powerful control+K helps your domain authority and SEO. Second tier link building is complex and revolves around guest blogging. Read this article by Neil Patel to know more.