Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 1st September 2017

Content Marketing:

5 Things You Need To Know About Content Marketing To Be Successful

According to Altimeter, 70% of marketers lack a consistent and integrated content strategy. But how can they improve their content marketing skills so that they can be successful? Jennifer Xue, in this article, shares five elements of content marketing success in-depth.


Whether your business is in digital marketing starter kit mode or you have saturated the web with your brand’s presence already, you’re missing out if you aren’t using a content marketing strategy. Michael Brenner states that B2B marketers who have a strategy and an individual to oversee it, are the most successful. Read on to know more.


How to Determine if a Page is “Low Quality” in Google’s Eyes

What are the factors Google considers when weighing whether a page is high or low quality, and how can you identify those pages yourself? From search behavior to page load times to spelling mistakes, Rand Fishkin covers it all in this article. Have a look!

What’s The Difference Between Content Marketing And SEO?

Jayson DeMers states that if you’re new to the online marketing industry, SEO and content marketing can all be a bit confusing. Even if you’re experienced, you might have trouble drawing a line between the two concepts. In this article, he defines the goals and techniques you should know for each of them.

Best Local SEO Predictions for 2018 for Greater Organic Traffic

2017 has been a crazy year for SEOs as most years are. Keith Gill states that if I had a SEO crystal ball, there would be some definite things I would focus on moving into 2018 based on what that crystal ball tells me. He shares some new opportunities and avenues to help rank easier.

Social Media:

12 Free Social Media and Brand Monitoring Tools We Love (and Why)

Brian Whalley writes, it’s important to always know what people are saying about you – whether it’s your customers, your competitors, or the press. And it can be tricky to keep up with what your audience is sharing. He shares some best social media and brand monitoring tools from around the web.

6 Social Media Trends to Prepare for in 2018

John Hall writes, when it comes to reaching audiences, effectively distributing your content, and building a following around your brand, social media offers a wealth of possibilities. He shares six social-media trends people need to prepare for if they want to hit the ground running in 2018.

Email Marketing:

When Should You Send Emails? Here Are the Days and Times that Work Best

Have you ever wondered what is the best time of the day to send your emails? Just as you want the most engagement on social media posts, you look for the best days of the week to post it. It’s the same. Neil Patel shares the best days and times based on the studies to send emails to get answers.

40% of Consumers Want Emails From Brands to Be Less Promotional and More Informative

Consumers are sick of hard-sell email messages that are not informative enough and irrelevant. This is shown by the study done by Adobe who surveyed around 1007 white-collar workers & it showed that 34% of customers report frustration when brands recommend items via email that do no match their interests. Read the article to know more.

Link Building:

How I Achieved a 48% Success Rate Using Twitter for Link Building

Ever wondered how powerful a link building tool would Twitter make? GORDON DONNELLY states that with a goal of scoring 10% quality links, i entered the Twittersphere, gripped it, and ripped it. To know about the methodology he used, read the article and know where exactly link opportunities lie.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.