Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.
Content Marketing:
Use as Directed: A Content Marketing Plan for Robust Business Performance
Most marketers utilize content marketing, but it’s not always clear how to use it effectively, measure your results, or see actual business value from the effort. Alexandra Tachalova has shared her ready-to-use solutions on how you can plan, execute and measure your content promotion, so that content starts bringing money value to your business.
How To Engage Business Audiences: 10 Lessons From The Top B2B Content of 2017
This useful article by Steve Rayson shares 10 lessons from the top B2B Content of 2017. She has shed light on what worked in the past year and looking to what would steer you in the right direction in 2018. This one is a must read.
Mastering Title Tags: The Little-Known Reason Your Ranked Pages Don’t Get Clicks
In this article Neil Patel writes “If you’re writing great content, but you aren’t getting clicks, then you may be forgetting about a critical and little-known aspect of SEO: your title tags” . He has shared a complete guide for those who want to improve the click-through rates and the SEO of your website with optimized title tags.
5 Essential SEO Tools To Help You Track Your Local Google Rankings
To compete with SEO, it’s essential to have the best tools at your fingertips enabling you to find new opportunities, save time and keep track of how your SEO can be boosted. Fabrizio has shared powerful and essential SEO tools to help you track and analyze your local Google rankings for your website.
Top 5 Digital Marketing Predictions for 2018
In this insightful article Navneet Kaushal shares top five digital marketing predictions for 2018. Some of them might be things that you, too, have expected. And some of them might be unexpected for you. Read on.
Social Media:
5 Awesome Ways To Print And Social Media Marketing
With print catalogs regaining popularity, this is a great time to complement the strategy the power of social media. Flight media has shared five tips to merge print and social media marketing. Read to know more.
6 Platform Changes That Shook Up Social Media Marketing in 2017
Caitlin Burgess writes, “Facebook recently admitted that its digging deep to turn the tide and bring well-being principles into the social experience”, She has shared some of the biggest changes that shook up social media in 2017. Read on.
Email Marketing:
10 Examples of Effective Re-Engagement Emails
It is a fact that 22.5% of your email database decays every year. Your emails should be engaging and effective enough to garner the attention of your subscribers. Scott Cohen has shared 10 Re-engagement email examples to Woo the inactive subscribers. Read to know more.
8 New Year’s Resolutions For Email Marketers in 2018
With the new year almost upon us, it’s time to consider New Year’s resolutions to make your affiliate marketing even more successful in the year to come. Kristen Dunleavy, writes about offers eight resolutions for email marketers in 2018. The list starts with meeting customers at the moment of open. Read on.
Link Building:
67 Experts Rank Best Link Building Tools for 2018
It’s no secret that link building is critical to success when it comes to ranking organically. In this article, Robbie compiled the best link building tools as ranked by 67 SEO experts. Read to know more.