Here we come again with our list of this week's best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 24thJune, 2016!

Content Marketing

How to Stop Working So Hard: Agile Marketers Work Smarter

For starters, your marketing team agrees on a list of priorities. Based on those priorities, you decide which tasks – including content marketing tasks – are most important. A sprint is a set period during which team members aim to complete a set amount of high-priority work that’s connected to a long-term plan. Teams work through one sprint after another, reassessing priorities each time.

The Content Junkyard (and Why So Many Articles Fail)

As writers, you can see the vast expanse of an article in front of you, and you assume it’s possible to write the article from start to finish. But one of the biggest reasons why you struggle with writing is that you don’t break down the article writing process into stages. Many writers simply sit down to write an article and the process gets messy. Without a clear structure, it’s easy to spin your wheels endlessly while attempting to write.

Search Engine Optimization

Driving Performance Together: 6 Tips For SEO and Content Team Collaboration

In one room you’ll find colleagues hunched over graphs and analytic platforms, plugging away at keywords, URLs and half-made landing pages. Behind the other door you’ll find a group of creatives, researching, BuzzSumo-ing, and click-clacking away at keyboards with the dream of drafting the perfect content article to drive traffic, capture leads and retain the already-loyals.

On Page SEO in 2016: A(2M Keyword) Data Driven Analysis

On page SEO refers to a set of web page optimization best practices that you can apply to the pages of your website in order to improve their ranking in search engine results. The majority of on page SEO advice that can be seen around the web revolves around using the exact match keyword that you want to rank for in a few “strategic” places of your page: Title, H1, meta description, content etc. It also implies quite a few “general” optimizations that should make your page better in the eyes of search engines

5 Reasons Why SEO Has a Bad Reputation

If you start to type “seo is” into Google, the king of search engines is likely to autosuggest that “seo is dead” or that “seo is bullsh**,” leaving you to wonder how one of the most prominent forms of online marketing has, apparently, earned a bad reputation. Search engine optimization, at its most pure, is the act of ensuring search engine spiders (bots) can find a web page, discover the page’s purpose or meaning, and catalog (index) the page’s content for future reference.

Social Media

Facebook Updates Ad Policy: What You Need To Know & What To Do About It

Luckily this guide will walk you through how to do that, as well as give you a refresher course on the other ways in which Facebook is tracking you so you can limit how much information you freely give away. First of all, it should come as no surprise that Facebook uses every opportunity it gets to build a picture of who you are – because while Facebook may not make a lot of money from you directly, indirectly, that information is incredibly valuable.

Why Boosting Facebook Posts Is Not So Bad After All

This fantastic platform that you had been using for years to gain an amazing audience for your business became less and less accessible as the days went by. Then Facebook ads came along and at that point you thought it was the beginning of the end. You were lucky to have built such large numbers before reach was restricted so even though your average post did not reach anywhere near our total page likers, you still reached a significant amount of people.

Email Marketing

6 Ways to Use Facebook to Create Better Emails

Want to get more out of your Facebook marketing? How about using it to create better emails? You can – and it’s really easy. Here are six tricks to make your Facebook marketing do double duty as an email improvement project. Email marketers test subject lines more than anything else. Know why? Because the subject line can make or break an email campaign. It probably has more effect on your final results than any other element.

8 tips to ensure your email marketing gets opened

The first emails that get opened in most inboxes are those that come from family, friends and people the reader personally knows. In most cases, if your readers don’t know who you are, they probably won’t open your emails. The first step is making sure that you stay connected with your contacts through consistent marketing and emails.

Link Building

Link Building: Expectations vs. Reality

Well, links are making a comeback into conversations among SEOs and content marketers, who have no doubt that links are still important to a site’s overall performance. It has become common knowledge that links are still a high correlation factor in rankings, but many still struggle to understand what to expect from link development services. Transparency, and honesty are the best policy between you and your link building provider.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.