Here we come again with our list of this week's best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 25th March , 2016!

Content Marketing

Content Drives More Than Just Marketing

Content is the currency that companies use to communicate with the world; the marketing department is just the tip of the iceberg. Content, itself, is where the real growth lies. Clearly you use content in your marketing efforts to engage prospects and customers. But you also use much of that same content, albeit in other formats, to engage your sales channel and to give those folks in sales positions more valuable stuff they can engage their sales leads with.

Content Marketers Need to Act Like Publishers

One of the biggest cop-outs in corporate life is to say, “You had a great strategy, but you just couldn’t execute it.” Any strategy that doesn’t consider the ability to execute is a lousy strategy to begin with. The problem is particularly pervasive when it comes to content. For all of the talk about “brands becoming publishers,” most marketers are simply tacking on publishing functions to their existing operations without implementing any new processes or practices. That is a grave mistake.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO Page Titles: 15-Point Checklist for B2B and B2C Brands

SEO page titles cause their fair share of confusion among B2B and B2C content marketers. In the old days, it was easy to throw a bunch of words in there with commas and rank well for some of those keyword phrases. The SEO page title still carries weight, but other ranking variables matter as well. If the quality and quantity of inbound links had to go head to head with SEO page titles in a strange Internet game, the links would crush the titles.


Making it to the top of Google’s SERPs seems like a great game of chance. If only you had a pretty lady (or a hunk) to blow your SEO dice – maybe then you’d be able to gain a competitive advantage. The same goes with search engine optimization – incorporate SEO seeds into your advertising strategies and watch them blossom into increased traffic and possibly more revenue for your website.

How to Address Technical SEO Issues to Increase Content Visibility

Websites that don’t work and are hard to navigate can be an incredibly frustrating experience for any user. If they load slowly, have broken pages, or duplicate content it can deter visitors from coming back and make it less likely that the content that you’ve worked so hard on shows up in search results. One way to solve common technical issues is to conduct a technical SEO audit on a regular basis.

Social Media

How to Make Instagram Ads That Stand Out

Instagram has quietly rolled out some great features to help advertisers grab attention and drive traffic. Until recently, Instagram ads only supported the objectives of mobile app installs, video views, and reach/engagement. This is the first time businesses have been able to send users to their site from individual posts, rather than just through their sole profile link.

2016 Small Business Social Media Use: 5 Trends

Until now small businesses have been at the cutting edge of social media marketing use. Social media leveled the marketing playing field for small businesses. They spent time not dollars to find opportunities these new platforms presented. Since then, social media adoption for marketing objectives has increased across businesses as platforms evolve and mature.

Email Marketing

How to Write Copy That Converts: 7 Tips to Improve Your Sales Emails

Copy is writing that sells, so by definition, it has to be compelling. Brevity and clarity will ensure that your message is digestible, which is important if you want your words to be read and understood with ease. Before you start that next sales email or landing page, try some of the tips. Working through them will take some time and thought, but the effort will be worth it when you walk away knowing exactly how to frame your message to achieve the best response.

The ultimate 2016 email marketing benchmark guide

Email continues to be an extremely important marketing channel, so it's important to know how well your email efforts are performing. But while it’s easy to find out how many clicks, opens and so on your emails are getting, it can be difficult to understand the significance of those numbers without having something to benchmark them against.

Link Building


Link building is becoming more difficult to do day by day. Unless you own or have editorial access to a group of websites, it is challenging to acquire links to scale. Strong content combined with a tactical promotional strategy can yield the exact type of links that your website needs. Many SEOs forget that link building opportunities can arise from forging real-world relationships.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.