Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 26th April 2019

Content Marketing

Get Rid of These 25 Phrases and Words From Your Content

While everyone wants to wow their audiences with their content, it is important to cut or replace words and phrases that act as filler. Read this article by Julia McCoy and get a list of phrases and words you need to avoid to deliver the messages successfully.

Customer Reviews Are The New Content Marketing

To add credibility and complexity to your content, you need to regularly incorporate the positive feedback that your customers leave. In his recent blog post, Jay Baer discussed how customer reviews have an added bonus to content marketing. Have a look for better understanding.


Drive Your Website Up the Search Rankings With These SEO Tools

With a seemingly endless number of websites, it is close to impossible to achieve good traffic unless you are using appropriate SEO tools. Read this article by Entrepreneur Media and get familiar with the amazing tools and get your business in front of the right customers.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Search Intent Optimization

Since people look for, process, and use search results differently, understanding and optimizing for search intent is hugely important for SEO. Read this article by Ann Smarty, in which she discussed why you should not ignore search intent optimization, and learn why it is the ultimate goal of the person using a search engine.

Optimize Your B2B Content Performance with an SEO Audit

Customers’ expectations for a seamless online experience continue to grow across industries and the B2B space is no exception. Thus, have a look at this article by Tiffani Allen and get familiar with the key benefits and top considerations for an SEO audit.

Social Media Marketing

How To Win Followers And Influence People On Social Media

Have you ever wondered how to gain attention on social media platforms and expand your brand? In her recent blog post, Krystle M. Davis unwrapped the ‘industry secret’ to win followers and influence people on social media. Read the blog to make powerful connections, create differentiation, and establish credibility.

22 Things You Wish Marketers Would Stop Doing on Social Media

In her recent article, Ann Gynn listed things that marketers do on social media platforms, which makes scrolling through those platforms more frustrating than fun. Thus, dive deep in this article and learn how you can make social media a better place to scroll.

Email Marketing

Straight to the Junk Folder: Spam Words to Avoid in Email Marketing

One main element based on which spam filters work is triggering words, indicative of spam content. In this insightful article, Lindsay Pietroluongo shared a list of spam words which you should avoid in writing the subject lines and content of emails in business.

The 12 Best Email Newsletter Tools in 2019

These days there are a number of powerful tools that will help you build and manage email newsletters with ease. Have a look at this blog post by Nathaniel Medina and gear up with the 12 best email newsletter tools in 2019.

Link Building

15 advanced link building tactics & tips to boost your SEO

It is no secret that link building is the foundation of Google’s algorithm. Thus, to provide users some value and building relationships within your industry, Kristopher B. Jones shared 15 advanced link building tactics and tips to boost your SEO.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.