Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.
Content Marketing
Road Map to Success: Monitoring and Measuring Your Content’s Performance
Implementing content measurement techniques is important to identify what is working and what is not. Jodi Harris through the article enlightens us about content measurement techniques that can be adopted to discover areas of improvement and determine where to scale back to concentrate on more impactful efforts.
10 Tips for Stepping Up Your Content Marketing Game
Annie Pilon with the article highlights the fact that content marketing has become an incredibly popular strategy for small businesses. She further states that for making real impact, creating great content isn’t just enough rather some extra steps should be put in practice to accomplish the desired goal. Check out some effective content marketing growth tips shared by her to foster the growth of your content marketing efforts.
How to Audit Your Website for Improved SEO and Conversions
Auditing your website would determine whether or not it’s optimized to achieve your traffic goals, and if not, how you can improve it to increase performance. With the article, Rebecca Churt focusses on some vital tips that you can implement while auditing your website for Improved SEO and Conversions.
SEO Clickbait: How to Write Headlines Everyone Loves
Users only click on content when they’re enticed by the headline. A great headline is one that includes components of SEO as well as clickbait. Neil Patel through the article shares some vital tips to write headlines that are loved by both searchers as well as search engines.
7 Actionable SEO Tactics You Can Use Right Now To Boost Your Rankings
Are you looking to drive more traffic to your website? in such case you cannot really ignore SEO.Adam Connell over the course of the article highlights 7 actionable SEO tactics that you can use right now to boost your rankings in quick time without making significant investment.
Social media marketing
4 Entrepreneurs Share Which Social Media Outlet Garners The Most Business
Since Social media represents 30% of the total time spent online the opportunities for business promotion with social media are endless. It is no less than a goldmine in today’s digital world and successful entrepreneurs utilize social media quite flawlessly to grow their businesses. Jia Wertz with the article shares personal views of four successful entrepreneurs as to which social media outlet garners the most business.
100+ Social Media Demographics that Matter to Marketers
Each social media platform comes with a potential to reach different audiences. However to fine-tune your marketing strategy and reach the right people with the right message it gets crucial to understand social media demographics. Katie Sehl through this useful article throws light on demographics of major social media networks and business promotion opportunities that each of them presents.
Email Marketing
7 Email Marketing Funnel Ideas for Turning More Subscribers into Customers
In the following article, Susan Gunelius shares with us vital email marketing funnel ideas for turning more subscribers into customers. So if you are attempting to motivate your prospects to turn them into customers, these 07 ideas highlighted by Susan can surely help.
Nine top GDPR tips for email marketing
Newer and stricter General Data Protection Regulations have given birth to predictions that digital and email marketing will effectively be crippled. GDPR now requires email marketers to have a legal basis for processing customers’ data. Adam Shepherd though this informative article suggests crucial tips for email marketers to make GDPR work in their favour while following best email marketing practices.
Link Building
Technical Link Building & The Importance Of Reverse Engineering
The article written by Tom Buckland outlines how to initiate a link building campaign for clients to generate faster returns on investment using effective strategies. Further, he shares some important tips on technical link building and why reverse engineering is vital to achieving great results in respect to ROI.