Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 29th December 2017

Content Marketing:

How to Build a Trusted Framework that Expands Your Content Creativity

Content creativity is critical when it comes to standing among the screaming noise that distracts your audience daily. There is hope. Sonia Simone has shared tactics that you can use to inject more creativity into your content marketing efforts.

Unsolicited Advice: How to Avoid 4 Content Marketing Blunders

This useful article by Kim Moutsos shares the unsolicited advice for marketing missteps and gaffes made by Dollar Shave Club, George tourism, and content agencies. She has shared tips to avoid content marketing blunders. This one is a must read.


The 5 most important SEO trends to watch in 2018

In this article Dainius Runkevicius writes, “the SEO’s job today is more than keywords and backlinks. It’s more than metadata optimisation. It’s more than even content.” He has shared the most important trends in SEO on a macro level, which will give you a overall view of where SEO is headed.

Moving Your Website? Use This Checklist To Be SEO Safe!

Migrating your site to a new URL is a huge undertaking whose SEO implications should not be taken lightly. SEO college station has shared the most necessary SEO help steps on how to not lose your website traffic. Read on.

Why Link Building is the New Networking

John Jantsch writes “link building is not some technical SEO-type of under-the-hood tactic”. He has shared tactics to that will help you to build links that will boost your search rankings. Read to know more.

Social Media:

How to Repurpose Blog Content Into Short-Form Social Media Updates

The most important part of turning blog content into social content is to focus on what the audience cares about and how you can educate and inspire them. Brian Appleton has shared six steps to turn your long-form blog posts into short-form content for social media.

5 social media networks that are still alive and kicking, but we don’t know why

Social media trends come and go – sometimes in the blink of an eye – but some stick around and can make all the difference. Some sites just hang around way past their expiration dates. Steven Winkelman has shed light on the five particular social networks continue to hang on.

Email Marketing:

Making These 4 Email Marketing Mistakes Will Keep You From Success

It is a fact that the average ROI of email marketing is 3700 percent. Email marketing is the one of the most effective channels to use in your online strategy. Megan Totka has shared some common email marketing engagement mistakes you may be making and some tips to turn things around.

Trends in email marketing for 2018 you can use today

2017 was a great year for email marketing. As we move closer to the end of the year, you need to know the email marketing trends for 2018. Tech Wire Asia has shared top trends for email marketing for your email communication strategy. Read on

Link Building:

3 Reasons Why Link Building Is Not Dead

Link building is still the best way to improve search visibility and can help to improve a bad backlink profile. Nate Vickery, explains three reasons why link building is not dead. This one is a must read.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.