Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Content Marketing

13 Stats That Show How Content Marketing Is Changing

Do you know where the content marketing industry is moving or why? If your answer is no, you won’t know how to adjust your marketing strategy for growth. Having said that, to make things easier for you, Rebecca Sentance has come up with an article where she has shared 13 content marketing stats, that shows how content marketing is changing and what are the things you need to keep an eye on.

4 Content Marketing Goals That Really Matter to the Business

So what are your business goals that you want to achieve by using the power of content? Without a strategy, success or failure is just a matter of luck – and you risk all your efforts going to waste. Thus, to avoid such situation, you need to have strong goals. Want to dive deeper? Read this article by Kim Moutsos where she has listed 4 effective content marketing goals to make your business a successful one.


What B2B Podcasters Need to Know About SEO

Google is crawling podcasts now — will the bots like what they see when they transcribe yours? Read this amazing blog post by Joshua Nite and learn everything you need to know about SEO for podcasts.

SEO: 7 Shopper-grabbing Rich Snippets For Ecommerce

Google is the most powerful when it comes to product searches. With the sheer amount of people searching for products, rich snippets give shoppers the ability to get their questions answered, read reviews and compare prices from one place. Read this article by Jill Kocher Brown and gear up with the seven types of rich snippets that enhance blue links and drive clicks and sales.

Top Three SEO Predictions For 2020

As more and more websites are popping in the market, the online landscape is getting much more competitive. Though no one knows with full certainty what the world of organic search has in store for 2020, there are hints SEO’s are picking up on. Want to gear up with top SEO predictions for 2020 now? Read this article by Matt Diggity.

Social Media Marketing

25 Actionable Social Media Marketing Tactics That Will Get Results Right Now

Social media has now become synonymous with digital marketing, going hand-in-hand with most – if not all – digital campaigns. If you are looking for a way to achieve success with your social media marketing and engage your followers, have a look at these amazing tips and tactics by Lizzie Davey.

22 Essential Types of Social Media Marketing Content

The content you post on social media has the power to turn your brand into a household name and turn your followers into fans. That being said, this kind of impact only comes from having a solid social media content strategy. Want to dive deeper? Read this insightful article by Bill Viau and gear up with these 22 essential types of social media marketing content to grow your business like never before.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing Ideas For E-commerce Websites

When is the last time a customer thanked you for your marketing? That’s what you are aiming for right? If not, you should be! Read this blog post by Nataly Birch where she has shared super-effective e-commerce ideas to turn your subscribers into loyal customers.

Email Marketing Series: What Is The Best Time And Day To Send An Email?

Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective strategies that bring the biggest ROI across all marketing channels. But day today, it’s only getting harder to capture the attention of consumers who are receiving tens of promotional emails every day. Want to know the best day and time of sending your email campaigns? Read this article by SFWP.

Link Building


To get high organic rankings, link building is critical. But how do you find the right tips and tactics to boost your SEO performance? Have a look at the article by Vazooky Digital where they have listed 35+ link building tips for 2020 and beyond.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.