With a user base of 750 million users, Facebook is like a huge-unexplored market for your business. There are millions of potential customers on Facebook that are waiting for you to reach them. So, in case you are wondering how to take your business to Facebook- the method is fairly simple. As, the social network allows you to put your business out there, and even provides multiple tools to aid you in spreading your business. 

Here are the top 10 ways to use Facebook for business.

1. Create a Page- This goes without saying, that to have an impressive Facebook presence, you need to get there first, and create a 'Page' for your business. You have to choose the type of page you want to create. Your obvious choice here is the business page.

This has certain details to be ironed out-

  • Facebook vanity URL, which you have to claim for unique business identity.  Initially when you create the page,  Facebook offers each Page a “Vanity URL” once the page has 25 fans or more. When you set out to select one, be very careful as once you choose a name, you can't change it.  You will be guided step by step to sign up for the URL here- http://www.facebook.com/username
  • Static FBML- Make sure to like this page on Facebook. Then with HTML, you can create your own personalised tabs. For example, if you are a boutique- the tabs could be- Womes' party Wear; Men's Section, etc. This will make your page standout.

Source- Blog Design Studio


  • Landing page- With the Static FBML, you can design your own landing page- which will be first thing people will see, when they come to your page.  Now making this page as attractive as possible must be your focus, only then can you be certain of getting a 'LIKE' from every visitor. Here are a few examples of exciting landing pages, that are in tune with products and their target audience too.

    For any confusions about page creation, please go here: http://www.facebook.com/FacebookPages

    2. Build Your Profile- Fill out the details about your business, location, contact details everything. Tell people what you are all about and what all services/products you offer. Fill the 'About' section completely.  One thing that completes your profile information is a picture.  The Profile Picture, has to be chosen smartly to fill in the more vertical space provided by Facebook. Here are some interesting examples.

    For any confusions about page creation, please go here: http://www.facebook.com/FacebookPages

    2. Build Your Profile- Fill out the details about your business, location, contact details everything. Tell people what you are all about and what all services/products you offer. Fill the 'About' section completely.  One thing that completes your profile information is a picture.  The Profile Picture, has to be chosen smartly to fill in the more vertical space provided by Facebook. Here are some interesting examples.

    3. Linking Your Page- Explore the multiple Apps by Facebook to link your page to Twitter, blogs etc. Integrate your  Business Website to Facebook too. Add a LIKE button, so that people can be directed to your FB page. This is essential so that initial traffic on your website is directed to your facebook page too.

    4. Explore Similar-Related Businesses- To make your presence known, search for similar pages, and LIKE them. Comment on relative posts there. Like what other people have written. The concerned parties will get a notification, that you have arrived. They will no doubt come to your page.
    For example, if you are a Book Publisher Page, then go and LIKE the pages of authors you publish, interact with their fans.

    5. Status Updates- What do you put up on your Facebook Page is of utmost importance. The key here is to be interesting-interactive and innovative. Do not brag about your services all the time. Involve people. Ask them a question. Invite them to share. For example, if you are a Chocolate Manufacturer- you could  put up a status update like: “When was the first time someone gifted you a box of chocolates?”  People will surely respond to that. This section also includes 'Polls' and 'Questions' and 'Notes'. Facebook has an excellent application for creating them.

    Source: ideate.co.za

    6. Post interesting videos. They may be related to your business, or may be something interesting you came across. The idea here is again- to generate curiosity, encourage audience participation and involvement. This also involves creating albums of your top/latest products or staff. For example, if you are a Shoe Retailer- Create an album of the latest shoes that have come in. Ask people to share them.

    7. Keep Your Wall Open- Allow people to interact with you. Put out a status update, inviting them to clear all their queries. For example, if you are a Clothes Retailer, you can say, “Anything you wanted to know about our products and their warranty/exchange policies. Please feel free to ask. We will sort every query”. Allow people to interact with you, the admin, as well as each other.

    8. Events- Organize events, and then promote them on Facebook with the 'Events' App. Put up pictures of these events. Spread the link as much as you can.

    9. Facebook Ads- Facebook places your ads on relevant profiles. They promote it through various ways. For example, they show it as a page to someone as liked by a friend, in other ways recommending on basis of familiarity.

    10. Incentives- Providing users with a reason to like your page by offering a free gift or a discount coupons works miracles. This will shoot up the LIKES on your page pretty steadily. A little investment can go a long way in creating a fan base.

    Source: sincerelyfido.com

    These are the basics that you must follow. However, you must base your strategy according to your target audience. Study their preferences on Facebook and work accordingly. Remember the mantra:

    Interesting- Innovative-Interactive- is how your you Facebook business Page must be.


    Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.